❥ 25.

160 7 0

First date ?

I am on my way to the ice cream parlor and immediately burst with joy. We didn't see each other for three days. For many it probably doesn't come across as if it were a long time, but we spent a lot of time together and are used to each other.

After about 10 minutes of walking I arrived and saw him sitting at a table from outside while holding his phone in his hand. Why does he always have to look so good. I think he didn't looked once bad the whole time I know him. Is that human at all?

I opened the door and walked towards him and he looked up at me and a big smile spread through his lips.

I love his smile.

"Hey beautiful." He says and took me in his arms and I lost myself in them.

That was the very first hug we've ever gave each other in the whole time we know each other and I hope it's not the last one.

My god he smells so good, can I stay in his arms forever?

We sat and a waiter came to our table to take our order. "What do you want flower?" Myles asked me.

"Umm I think I'll take a strawberry milkshake."

"Double that." Myles replied to the waiter.

"Two strawberry milkshakes, coming right up." The waiter said and vanished into the back of the store.

I shuffled around in the store and then over to Myles and couldn't believe that we were sitting here. It seemed so surreal to me, because I didn't like him before and my mother forbade me to go out at all, let alone with a boy. And now look at me, I'm sitting here alone with a boxer I couldn't stand from the first second I laid eyes on him, and now I'm drinking a milkshake with him.

Life can really go funny ways. 

I looked over at him after I had finished thinking and he just looked at me with a smile as always. I was about to say something when the waiter came and put our drinks on the table. We thanked him and he disappeared again. 

I sucked on my straw and sipped my drink, while looking up and seeing he's still looking at me. 

"Do I have something on my face or why are you looking at me." I asked laughing. 

"No, you're perfect."

Oh god, don't blush now.

Those compliments. God, these little simple compliments will be my end. We need to change the subject. 

"How's it going with the preparations for your fight. Are you excited ?" I asked, sipping on my drink.

"Well it's not my first fight but I gotta admit, I'm pretty excited. I mean it's the second fight of the season and pretty big. This fight will decide whether I can continue boxing or not."

"Oh wow, I didn't knew that, but I know you'll make it, don't worry."

"Yeah, I hope so, but to be honest the thought that you might be there too, makes me even more nervous."


Okay that shocked me now.

I make him nervous ?

"Naww."I said leaning forward to grab his cheeks. I grabbed them lightly and imitated him with my man's voice. 

"Me, Myles Collane, the greatest boxer in all-time Seattle, gets nervous about a girl."I said laughing, pulling his cheeks up and down to pretend he was talking.
While I was laughing I noticed that he was quiet and looking deep into my eyes and again, who's guessing ? With a smile. 

I was getting nervous so I pulled my hands away from him but he continued to hold them against his cheek. 

"Let them there, I like when you touch me."

Oh my-

Dear god in heaven, if you hear this, please don't let my heart stop beating now. Please.

I pulled my hands away from his cheeks and tried to hide my nervousness by continuing to sip on my milkshake. Unfortunately my body is not so good at hiding in feelings.

"Oh my god ! You are blushing !!" He lightly screamed with a smile, pointing at me.

I looked up at him, pretending that I have know idea what he's talking about.

"No I don't." I lied.

"Yeah you do, you're totally blushing. HAHAH YES ! I made you blush."

He leaned in and grabbed my cheeks, imitating me with a girl's voice.

"Me, Madellaine Wilson, the greatest keeper of hiding feelings of all time, is blushing because of boy." He said laughing.

"Okay yes, you made me blush. There I said it. Happy ?" I slapped his hands away and also laughed. He's really good at imitating.

"I'm very happy when I'm with you."

I swear to god if you blush again I'm gonna rip my heart out and then you have no chance to blush ever again.

We sat in the ice cream parlor for two more hours and drank so many milkshakes that I don't want to see any for the next few months. He told me a lot about himself and his family. His parents live here in Seattle with his sister, Christina. She is a year older than me and works in the hospital. And his parents are working in a company.

We were talking when his phone buzzed and he took out his phone.

"Shit, It's already 3 p.m." He said.

"Oh do you have to go somewhere urgently ?" I asked.

"I have training in half an hour, I gotta train every day to stay in shape for the fight. The last days were very exhausting."

"Oh okay that means we can't see each other in the near future, can we?" I asked, slightly sad but I tried not to let him know.

"You know I would create time for you flower."

Blushing again.

"Hey why don't you come with me?" He
suddenly said.

"Umm to your training ?"

"Yes, of course only if you want to, but I would like you to be there." He smiled.

I don't know if I can reconcile that with my conscience, let alone handle a broad Myles with tattoos, scars and sweat walking down his body, seeing him fighting.
I don't think I have to think twice the answer is:


"Perfect, then let's go princess." He immediately got up took my hand and pulled me out of the booth. He paid and we walked to his car.

We made it to his car and he opened the door for me. I sat inside and was about to pull on my seatbelt, before he took it from my hand a reached over to clip it himself.
When he leaned over I smelled his expensive and strong perfume and my god I wanna drown myself in it.

When he was finished with clipping my seatbelt, he leaned back and looked at me, smiled and closed the door and walked to the drivers seat.

Why am I nervous ? It's not the first time that I'm driving with him. But something about him makes me nervous, I just can't figure out what.

His smile ? His face ? His perfume ? His body ? His tattoos ? His hands ? His whole existence ?

„You ready ?" He asked looking at me.

Seeing you fight with this bloody hot body ?

Hell yes !

„So ready." I said back and looked at him, seeing him smirking.

I did a long long break from writing, I've been really stressed lately.
Hope you guys are okay <3

See you !

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