❥ 15.

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I don't think it was a good idea to tell Izzy about the conversation I had with Myles at the ice cream shop. She completely freaked out on the phone, my eardrum almost blew out. She's totally convinced that he likes me, but I pretty much assume he's using me as a distraction, because his other women aren't available.

Anyway, I'll have another doctor's appointment soon, a few weeks ago the doctors told me that my condition had suddenly improved, so I don't understand why I have to go there now. I'm assuming it's a general check.

By the way, did I mention that I still haven't told my mom that I left the self help group? I overhear her talking to my father about the dates. She makes me a plan for the days where I have to go and she does it with the thought that I will actually go there, well she can forget that, I won't set foot in there, after the embarrassing number from last time, no thanks. But now it's time to go to the doctor first.

I go to my closet and look for something that also suits the weather, it's pretty warm today, so I take my blue sundress out and put on white sneakers. I'm sorry but people who say sneakers don't go with dresses are lying. It's the best blend ever invented by man, after milkshakes of course.


God I hate waiting, especially if there is no good reason. I'm really not an impatient person, but waiting at doctor's practices or in hospitals makes me sick, I've been doing it for 6 year, I'm really tired of it.

"Madellaine Wilson please", called the medical assistant and took us to the doctor.

"Nice to see you again Madellaine, I'm glad you are back", doctor Taylor said with a smile.

"I'm happy to be here again too." Not

"May I say something before we start", I said before the doctor could start speaking.

"Of course" she answered.

"So I feel really good and I was here a few weeks ago and I was told that my condition had improved, so I assumed that it would be a general control that I am doing here today, but then I asked my mom on the way here if it was and she said no. That's why I was very confused and thought to myself, if I am fine and my heart apparently is also doing very well and it is not a general control, why am I here ?"

Oh yeah by the way, I start rambling when I'm nervous.

"It is true that your condition has improved a lot, we don't know why but you made us very happy with this message. The only thing you will do today is to take blood."


She got up, went to a closet and took out the utensils.

"I think that's why your mom didn't tell you why you're really here. I know how much you hate injections." She said slightly laughing looking at my mother, while preparing everything.

"Hate is still an understatement. I detest it, that's why I suggest we just should go." I got up and went to the door and held the door handle in my hand. "Come on doc I'm fine, taking blood would be unnecessary now, I already have not much cuz of all the nosebleed.

Rambling again.

"You know that blood is regenerating, right ?" She said, looking at me as I was stupid.

"Yes, but still, let's just go, I mean you would have a day off and I could go home and keep watching with my dad box fights, easy."

"You hate box fights", said my mother in the chair when she looked at me.

"Hush" I give her a death stare, "so may I go ?"

The doctor laughed slightly in front of her and tapped the couch to examine. "Sit down Madellaine."

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