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Ice cream parlour

When we got home, the first thing my mother did, was taking all my electronic devices away from me.

She says the rays would only damage my heart further. 

However, my cell phone had no battery left, so she left it, but she took my charger instead. 

What she doesn't know is that I still have a replacement. 

So I loaded my phone and got ready to meet Isabelle. 

I don't care what my mom says, after this message I just have to get some air. 

By the way, we have now decided to carry out further treatments with other medication and I have to go to therapy.
A self-help group. 

Isn't that fucking great ?

My mother suspects that I will become depressed and would do something bad to myself because of the diagnosis. 

So she has that much trust in me huh ?

I would never do anything to myself.
I'm doing well. I'm obviously shocked by the news, but I don't care. 

When my phone had some battery I took some money and cleared out my window. 

I know some fucked up shit but my mom would never let me out.

I walked the way to the ice cream parlour, it was a 20 minutes walk. I don't know why I didn't take the bus.

The doctor said I have to take care of my heart and I'm doing exactly the opposite with my little marathon here.

When I arrived I saw Isabelle sitting at a table. She had already ordered her ice cream.

"Heyy, what's up ?" I said happy, seeing her after a long time.

Isabelle goes to college, that's why we don't get to see each other often, but she's on vacation now so she's back.

"Omg hii , I'm great and you ?" She said jumping happily in my arms.

"Now that I see you better." I say honest

"How come ?" She asks curious and lightly worried.

"I was at the doctor..."

I told her everything and she doesn't show it but I can tell she's scared.

Isabelle was the only friend left when I found out.

Everyone else didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore, because they thought I was weird and all the scars on my arms and legs scared them.

But not Isabelle, she was there for me the whole time and always visited me in the hospital whenever I was operated on.

I love her for that

"And when do your treatments start ?"

"Next week, which means I have to sleep in the hospital again."

I fucking hate it there. Being there all the time is worst, but sleeping ? Fuck no.

It's the worst thing ever.

"I'll bring you some snacks and some magazines so you won't get bored." Isabelle said.

"That's nice, but my mom will take the snacks off me right away, you know that. She's loosing it again." I say annoyed, remembering how much my mother annoyed me today.

Don't get me wrong I completely understand her. She obviously doesn't want that her child die, but I'm not gonna die, because my heart will stop beating, I will die from all the things she forbids me to do.

"I'll secretly hide them somewhere in your room or under your mattress", she said outdone herself. A giggle escapees from my lips, caused by her idea.

We ate our ice cream and talked a lot. I think two hours have passed until now.

It's 8 pm now.

Isabelle said she has to go now, she still has to work, we said goodbye and she's going out.

I remain seated for a while. I want to process everything again.

From next week the worst time of my life will start again.

Yay ?

This is a little longer, I'm really trying to make all chapters the same size, but sometimes it doesn't work so don't be mad.
Okay byeee <3

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