❥ 48.

59 2 1

Soul melting

"I'll be there in two days. I can't wait to see you !" Isabelle said screaming through the phone as we FaceTime.

I was stretched out on Myles' bed, my phone balanced on my knees as I FaceTimed with Isabelle. The familiar chime of the call connected, and her face filled the screen, brightening up my evening.

"Izzy! I can't wait for you to get here," I said, genuinely excited.

"I know, Mady! I can't believe it's just two days away," she replied with a grin. "I've been dying to see you. These college exams were brutal. I'm sorry I haven't been around as much."

"It's okay, Izzy. You've had a lot on your plate," I said, understanding. "How'd the exams go?"

"Ugh, let's not even talk about them," she laughed. "I think I survived. Anyway, I'm just so ready for a break. I've missed you like crazy."

"I miss you too, so much. It'll be great to hang out together again," I said, feeling a twinge of sadness beneath my excitement.

Isabelle's tone shifted slightly. "Hey Mady, how are you holding up ?I mean, with everything going on with your health..."

I took a deep breath. "It's been tough. I had another check-up. The doctors said there's not much they can do now."

I suddenly heard sniffles, it's Isabelle. I know she's trying hard to stay strong. "Izzy it's okay, don't cry."

"Oh, Maddy," Isabelle said softly, her eyes red and wet with tears. "I'm so sorry I can't help you. I hate this so much !"

"I know," I said, my voice wavering. "But I'm trying to stay positive. I'm focusing on the good stuff, like being with you and supporting Myles."

She nodded, her expression serious but supportive. "We're going to make these days count. We'll have the best time, I promise."

I managed a smile. "Yeah, we will. I just wish it wasn't under these circumstances."

"I know," she said quietly. "But we'll make the most of it."

We sat in silence for a moment, the gravity of the situation hanging between us. Then Isabelle brightened up a bit, changing the subject. "So, what's the plan for the fight ? Do we get ringside seats or what?"

"I think Myles can get us pretty close," I said, grateful for the lighter topic. "He's been training so hard for this. It's a big deal."

"Good, because I want to be right there, screaming my head off," Isabelle laughed. "It's going to be epic."

"Definitely," I said, feeling a bit better.

We chatted a bit more about the match, planning our outfits and what signs we might bring to cheer for Myles. Eventually, we said our goodbyes and ended the call.

A moment later, the door opened, and Myles walked in, his eyes immediately finding mine. He sat down beside me, concern etched on his face. "How's Isabelle?"

"She's doing okay," I replied. "She's really looking forward to being here. But she's still sad. I tried to cheer her up but at the end she had to cheer me up." I chuckle slightly.

Myles took my hand, his touch reassuring. "We'll make this time special for her. For both of you."

I nodded, feeling comforted by his words. We lay down together, his arms around me, as I tried to focus on the moments ahead rather than the time I had left.

I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling a mix of sadness and warmth.
Myles had been my rock through everything, and I leaned on him more than I realized.

His fingers gently lifted my chin, and our eyes met. There was something in his gaze that I couldn't ignore—a depth of feeling that went beyond words.
Slowly, he leaned in, and our lips met in a soft, tender kiss. It was gentle at first, but as the kiss deepened, I felt my heart race, and a sense of closeness that I hadn't felt in a long time.

We pulled back slightly, our breaths mingling. "Mady," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I love you."
He said, I felt a lump in my throat. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, but in the best way possible.

He kissed me again, more passionately this time, and I responded with equal fervor. His hands moved to my back, caressing me through my shirt, and I shivered at his touch. Slowly, he began to lift my shirt, his movements careful and tender.

I was now laying there in my bra but realized something as he looked at my breast. I hesitated for a moment as the fabric revealed the scar over my heart, a permanent reminder of my condition.
I pulled back slightly, feeling self-conscious. "Don't look...it's...it's ugly," I murmured, looking away.

Myles paused, his eyes searching mine.
"No, it's not," he said firmly. "It's a part of you, and I love every part of you." He leaned down and kissed the scar gently, his lips lingering on the sensitive skin.
"You're beautiful, Madellaine." He kissed the scar again more passionately this time. "This is beautiful."

His words and actions made my heart swell, and I felt tears welling up. Touched by his acceptance.

He continued kissing the scar, his lips trailing over it with reverence. His hands roamed over my body, gentle yet insistent, and I felt my apprehensions melt away. His gaze remained soft and reassuring, making me feel cherished. He stopped at my jeans and looked up at me, probably asking for access. I smiled at him an nodded.

We continued to undress each other slowly, every touch and kiss deepening our connection. His hands moved over my body with a mixture of tenderness and desire, and I responded in kind, savoring the intimacy of the moment.

When we were finally free of our clothes, he paused to look at me, his eyes filled with love and admiration.
"You're incredible," he murmured, his hands cupping my face as he kissed me deeply.

He looked at me as he was in between my legs. "Are you sure. I don't want to exhaust your heart more flower." He asked in light concern. I know he's scared that he's going to hurt me and to be honest I'm also scared, but I want this. I want him. I want that our souls melt into each other.

"Maybe we shouldn't do that. I really don't wanna hurt you baby."

Baby ? Omg !!

"Wha- what if I damage your heart and you-" I shut him up with a passionate, long kiss.

"Myles." I say. He looks at me in silence

"Yes." I said in a whisper and he smiled and kissed me.

Slowly he's making his way into me and I gasped loud what makes him stop. "I'm sorry flower. Did- did I hurt you ?" He said, his face washed in concern.

"No, no keep going." I struggled to say. I had no idea that it would hurt but feel good at the same time.

He continued to move in, and whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Telling me how sorry he is for hurting me. But he isn't even hurting me. It feels good. It feels so good.

We moved together on the bed, our bodies finding a rhythm that felt natural and right. The physical closeness intensified our emotional bond, and I felt a profound sense of unity with him.
Every touch, every kiss, was a silent promise, a shared moment of passion and love.

As we lay together afterward, our breathing slowly returning to normal, he held me close, his arms wrapped protectively around me. "Thank you." he whispered, his voice tender. I turn to him confused. "For what ?" I asked him.

"For letting me do this to you, for your trust." He said and his voice is full of greatness.

I turn to him. And get on top him for a kiss. "Thank you, Myles. For everything."
He smiled and kissed my forehead. I laid down on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. We stayed like that for a long time, savoring the warmth and comfort of being together, and for the first time in a while, I felt truly peace.

Two updates today. I'm proud of me ;)

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