❥ 39.

106 6 0

Perfect life

A week until Myles big fight. I can clearly feel his nervousness, but he tries not to let it show, like always.

The trip two days ago was the most beautiful surprise I've ever received. I haven't been able to stop thinking about that day for days. Both of us in the sand, him on me, we kiss each other, it was a real dream. My life is going so perfectly at the moment. I'm so grateful that for the first time I don't have to worry about my illness.

When I'm with him, I forget about the illness. It's as if it was never there.

God I pray that I have him by my side forever.

By the way, today is movie night. Me and my parents are in the living room right now. All three of us on the couch together and still choosing a movie.

I value this time with my parents the most. I remember when I was diagnosed that I was sick, both of my parents wanted to quit their jobs so they could have more time for me and take care of me. However, it wasn't a good idea because who else would have paid for the treatments and medication. So my parents decided that only my das would work and my mom would take care of me.

However, my mom has been going back to work for two years now. After convincing her that I could manage on my own for a few hours, since then I've been alone or with Isabelle during the day. And since I now have Myles it's even better.


We've been watching the film for about an hour when suddenly my dads's phone rings. Me and my mom continued watching the movie, it was probably just work.

"Yes, tomorrow then ? Alright I'll let her know." He said into the phone.

He took the remote and stopped the film. We looked at him confused.

"Mady, Dr Taylor was on the phone. She said that we urgently have to go to the practice tomorrow."

This is literally just a gap filler. I did it on purpose, so the next chapter could be better. I'll try not to take so long for the next chapter.

I really apologize for being inactive.

love u<3

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