❥ 24.

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A new day a new therapy session.

But I gotta say that I am not annoyed to go there anymore as at the beginning. I'm happy now when I go to therapy. I got Jaden and I also got closer with the others.

I am generally very happy at the moment. As happy as I've been in a long time.

As I said, the last time I was so happy was when I spent my stay in the hospital with Myle. That was the best time of my life. But now a new time has begun. A time when I can be happier than before.

I feel like all my problems have vanished.

I have friends, my parents understand me and finally give me the freedom that I longed for so long, Isabelle has a boyfriend, I enjoy the therapy, the doctors have given me no negative information about my illness and what makes me the happiest is Myles.

He really is like a spark of light in the dark and I am infinitely grateful that I got to know him.

What makes such a beautiful day even better? Exactly a milkshake and a matching outfit. The sun shines so beautifully and the birds are chirping. It is warm but the slightly cold wind cools the heat a little. I think I'll put on a dress.

Yes, a yellow sundress is perfect for this day, and of course my white sneakers.

Still saying: whoever says sneakers doesn't match with dresses. Just shut up. 


Arriving in the kitchen, I saw that my mother already made breakfast so I took a plate and sat down on the table and started eating. My father was already gone for work, so it was just me an my mother.

"You look very beautiful, my dear." She complemented me, while filling her plate also with pancakes.

"Thank you mom. You look also very pretty." I answered with a big happy smile and saw that she was surprised by my sudden happy mood.
She came out of the kitchen, to the table where I was sitting. She took the place in front of me and started eating.

"By the way, don't forget your thera-", "my therapy appointment, I know." I finished her sentence with a big smile.

"I've been waiting the whole time for my next appointment." I answered, feeling very excited.

I blink at her for a second and saw that a confused smile creeped up her lips. She should it off  and continued eating.


Waiting in the car for my mother I checked my phone. Isabelle keeps sending me pictures with her new boyfriend and it makes me so happy to see her like this. Her last relationship was shit, just like mine.

I think I've never told the story. It is actually quit funny, because I was just so freaking stupid. 

Basically everything started when I was 14. I met a boy in high school and everything just fit perfect. His name was Liam and he was one year older than me. We knew each other since we came together on high school, but I've never wanted more. Some day he started to talk to me and after a while we were together. For two years we were in a relationship. After that night were my life changed. We often met at his house, because we were too young for an apartment obviously. He also knew about my illness, but it seems like he didn't cared that much. Like every time when I told him something new about my conditions, he ignored me or he said he doesn't have time to listen to me now. That was also the time we're my illness started to get really tough.

In any case, we decided to meet up at his house in the evening, as always. So I went to his home and his mother opened the door. However, she was on the way to go out - which means only Liam and I were at his house . His father was mostly still working at this time. Anyway, his mother closed the door behind herself and I made my way to his room. I went the stairs up and saw that his door was closed. So I opened it and was completely in shock because of the sight in front of me.

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