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Say it back

Yesterday was intense. I finally spilled everything to Myles and I can't stop replaying the whole thing in my head. Sitting here in my room, it's like I can still feel the weight of that moment hanging in the air. When I opened up to him, I felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff, just waiting to see if he'd catch me or let me fall. But of course he caught me. He'd always caught me.

Even though he's not here right now, I still can feel him somehow, his support feels like a warm blanket wrapping around me.
Now, sitting here alone, I can't help but feel grateful. Grateful for Myles and his unconditional love.


Yeah I'm still not over it. He loves me. Like really loves me.

And my stupid dumbass couldn't say it back because I was so in shock.

Wait... slow down. What did I just say ?

I love him ?

Fuck yes I love him

There's no point in denying it anymore.

I love Myles.

I love his eyes, his hands, his dreamy smile, his tattoos that make me wanna do crazy things to him...

His scent, his scars, his lips, his face I could go on and on. I love everything about him. The way he makes me feel when I'm around him is just unexplainable.

Mostly I love the way he sees me, for who I am. He sees the real me and not just an illness.

I know things might get tough from here on out, but knowing he's got my back, that's  everything for me. Even though it's just me in this room, I can't stop smiling. Because with Myles by my side, I feel like I can take on the whole world and no one was ever able to make me feel like this.


Four days left until Myles big fight and he's been more nervous than ever before. I don't know if it's because I told him about my illness or it's just the excitement for the fight. I think it's a mix of both.

In the dimly lit gym, surrounded by the dull thud of boxing gloves, I stand at the edge of the ring, watching him. My heart races as I see him train with full intensity, every punch precise and powerful. His face is tense, his eyes focused, and I know he's in his element.

I feel the gaze of Ethan beside me, who also notices that something is different. But I ignore for a second , my thoughts solely on Myles. Because I know his anger isn't just from training.

Yet, I can't help but be fascinated by the passion and determination he brings into the ring. Each punch seems to be an expression of his love, a fight against the injustice of fate. And in this moment, I know that our love is stronger than any illness, stronger than death itself.

"He seems a little different right ?" Ethan said next to me while still watching the scene in front of us.

"Yeah I see it too. Do you thinks it's because of the fight ?" I ask him.

"Could be. But he's never this tense. It must be something else."

So Myles didn't tell him ?

I just nod and continue watching.

The guy that Myles is boxing with is punching him in his stomach and Myles grunt and hold his stomach. I gasped and hold on the rope of the ring.

Ethan just chuckles and waved his right arm around my shoulder and nudges me against him. "How are you supposed to watch the real fight in four days, when you literally can't handle the training."

"Hey I'm just worried, this looks so painful." I replied.

"Myles doesn't feel pain, trust me. I hit him hard so often and he doesn't even flinch."

Well maybe he doesn't feel physical pain but definitely emotional. I will never forget the way his eyes looked at me as I told him that I will die soon. It was worser than every treatment I did before.

As Myles finally takes a short break and comes to us, I give him his water and a towel, he smiles at me and takes it from my hands.

"You were with your mind somewhere else bro. What wrong ?" Ethan asked him.

Myles drank his water while looking at me with this face that says 'if he would only knew'.

"Like I said, it's probably the excitement that he feels right now. It's totally normal." I replied.

Myles sets the water down and wraps his hand around my waist and pulling me towards him to give me a light kiss on my cheek.

"Alright love birds, that's my cue to leave." Ethan said and walked to the back of the gym.

I looked at Myles and put my hands around his neck to kiss his lips.
The kiss was full of love, passion and lust.
Yes I know we were in the gym, but it was a private gym and tbh I couldn't care less.

"Are you feeling okay ?" He pulled away to ask. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Yes don't worry about me."

"You know I can't do that flower. You mean everything to me." He brushed a strand of hair out of my face. "I love you." And he kisses me.

My dumbass couldn't say it back again not just because of the kiss, but also because I was frozen. Every time he say these three words, I'm paralyzed.

Probably because of the way he says it. So dreamy, so beautiful, so unique, so perfect.

I love him too.

Quick and short update. This chapter is not this good tbh, but I let you guys waiting for to long so here a little update. I try to make the next better, pinky promise ྀིྀི 🤍

love yall <3

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