❥ 7.

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Spark of light

Myle really is the boy best friend I've ever had. Actually he's the only one I've ever had. Anyways he literally smuggled sweets into my room today because my mom wouldn't let me, of course. 

So we sat on my bed and ate sour patch. These are my favorite sweets, because they are sour and they are so colourful, love that. When we were eating and talking there was a knock on the door but we locked it so that nobody disturbed us. 

"Mady, are you there ?", we jumped off the bed and hid the sweets in the cupboard so my mother wouldn't see them. We ran against each other in a hurry and laughed. My mom shook the door handle and pounded on the door.  "Mady open the door right now !"

After we had hidden everything I opened the door and my mother stood in front of me with a red face. "Why are you locking the door ? You're not allowed to do that." 

"We played a game" I lied of course. 

"A game ?" She asked, knowing that I'm lying.

I looked over at Myle, who was standing in the corner of the room, his arms were behind his back and I think he even had a sour patch in his mouth. 

"Yes a game."

"And the game works like you have to lock the door ?" she asked as she crossed her arms.

"Yes..." Myle gave a little giggle which made me smile. 

"Okay I think that's enough with playing for today. Myle, Mady is going to sleep now it would be better if you went back to your room."

"But mom-" I started.

"It's okay Mady we'll see each other again tomorrow, we'll meet here again okay ?"  Myle answered.

I nodded and he went to the door, but turned around briefly and stuck out his tongue to show me the red sour patch in his mouth which he had hidden from my mother. I chuckled to myself and my mom turned around, wondering what I was laughing at.

I really really like Myle.
-Mady <3


*In the middle of the night*

My heart is beating so fast and my nose is bleeding, I'm shaking and nobody is in my room. 

Where is mom ?

I wanted to scream but I couldn't, no air came through my lungs. I got up from my bed and tried to walk to the door on shaky legs, but I noticed that I was slowly losing consciousness. 
I just was about to open the door when I banged my head on the floor. 

I don't know how much time had passed but I could still hear Myle opening the door and saying something about his toothbrush, he had forgotten the last time he was here. I could only hear his screams of my name and how he called the nurses, after that it was complete darkness. 

I found out later that I had a small heart attack, the doctors said it was because of something of too much action. So I was back in my room waiting for Myle to come back in.

I miss him. 

But he didn't came, for several days.

After five longs days without him, he came into my room and looked very nervous.

"Mady I'm so sorry it's all my fault, your mom told me what happened, I should have never came into your room and played with you." He said scared while playing with his hands.

"Myle it's okay it's not your fault. It's all good, I'm fine now." I can't believe he blames himself for this. 

"It is, you almost died because of me and I could never forgive myself, if something happened to you. That's why I'll keep my distance to you, it is the best for you."

Wait what is he saying ?

"But Myle-"

"I'm sorry Mady I like you too much for anything to happen to you."

With these words he left my room and that was the last time I saw him. I found out later that he was discharged from the hospital a few days later and that was the last I heard from him. I just hope that he will be fine and that we will see each other in the future again. 

Because my Myle saved my life.



I close my diary that I found while cleaning up and put it in my nightstand. I can remember that time very well, it was probably the best time of my life and also the time when I was the happiest. I can't even believe that it was all five years ago, it seems like yesterday to me.

To be honest I forgot about him, I didn't think about him at all. I think i wanted to brush off this sense of happiness that I felt at that time, because since that day I have never been as happy as I was back then. 

Even today, 5 years later, I still haven't heard from him. Hell, I don't even know what his full name is, the only thing I have left of him are the many diary entries I wrote about him.

I know actually nothing about him, but I know one thing;  Myle was like a spark of light in the darkness and he built me ​​up when I was breaking down.

And I will always be grateful to him for that.


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