❥ 10.

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The two boxers run into the middle of the ring and clap their boxing gloves together, the referee is in the middle of the two and whistles and starts the fight.

The first blow went straight into Ricky's face. And a second in the stomach.
Ricky tries to hit Myles on his face, but Myles dodges before he has a chance.

I have to say I'm a little nervous. I've seen countless boxing matches on TV, blame my dad, but  to experience it live is another feeling. You can feel the thick air in the arena, the people around you who cannot sit still with excitement, the groans from the boxers, the light that darkens the whole arena down to the ring. Everything is different, and because we sit so far forward, I have a very good view of the two men.

A loud blow tears me out of my thoughts, it is Ricky who is lying on the floor. People shout the arena together and Ricky Tyson is back on both feet after the hard blow of Myles. His nose is bleeding, but that doesn't stop him from hitting Myles. Myles dodges again and hits Ricky in the stomach with full force, so firmly, that Ricky is lying on the floor again after seconds.

The arena is probably already shaking because people jump for joy, and I can't hold back. There was  silence for a few seconds and in this moment I jump up and scream Myle's name through the whole arena. My dad looks at me in amazement and it is almost as if my eyes were fooling me but Myles actually looks up at me and gives me a slight smirk.

Jesus, that was hot

Because Myles was distracted looking up at me, he did not see Ricky getting up again and punched him across his face. I gasped.

That must have hurt.

Myles takes a few steps back to recover from the unexpected blow, but not long; he gave Ricky such a hard punch, that Ricky couldn't stand for a second longer and fell straight to the ground.


The referee started to count down and Ricky tried to get up again, but he couldn't.

"3..,2..,1..,THAT'S IT !"

Ricky folded on the floor and pulls his hands over his face, humiliated by his defeat. The referee ran over to Myles grabbed his arm and put it in the air.

"And the winner of the first fight in this season is... MYLES COLLANE !"

Everyone in the arena was screaming, even louder than before.

Note to me: for the next time, take ear stoppers with you.

Myles looked through the arena with full self-confidence but his eyes stopped at mine. I wasn't that far up, so he could find me easily. He gave me a slight grin, but not long because several men suddenly gathered around him. I assume that it is his trainer and his buddy's.

I was still blown away by his smile, his smile had something safe, something warm. I've never seen a smile like that.

My father tapped my shoulder when I looked down at Myles.

"What was that?" He said with a light smirk.

"What was what ?" I asked confused.

"That scream. You liked it, right?"

"Oh come on dad, it was the excitement that bursts out of me, that happens."

"Oh no, you enjoyed the fight, you totally liked it. I DID IT. YES !!!  I'll tell your mother- , oh wait, can't do that, well then I'm just happy alone."

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