❥ 35.

137 6 2

"Liar, Liar, pants on fire"

It's been a week since I was at Myles at home and we spoke.

Thank God he forgave me. He wasn't even angry, he told me he was hurt.

*Little flashback*

"I could never hate you Flower. I was just scared, to never see you again. I was afraid that this kiss was the first and last we shared. I was just so scared of never looking into these beautiful blue eyes again. God Madellaine I was just so scared of
loosing you." He says as he puts his head on my shoulder. I even think I saw a little tear, so I hugged him; tight, like he does it.
And from that moment on, I got my home finally back.

In any case, since the conversation was going on, we never felt better. We go on our milkshake date every day and drink milkshakes until we get up with a sore throat the next day.

His fight is in 10 days and that's why I accompany him to training every day. His trainer and Ethan say that he has been better since we have been talking again. And I'm happy about it to watch him again with joy. I am happy to see his beautiful smile.

"So what are we going to do tomorrow ?" He says as he stops at a red light, looking at me.

I was about to answer when I suddenly got a message on my cell phone.

Mom: You have a doctor appointment tomorrow morning, come home a little earlier today.

A doctor appointment? I had no more appointments for the next months.

Well, it will probably only be a routine examination again.

"Uhm I have to see a doctor tomorrow. My mother just wrote me a message." I explained to him.

"What, why ? Are you not feeling well ?"
He said with big eyes and totally ignored that the traffic light is green. Only the honking of the car behind us makes him notice that he has to drive off.

"No no it's all good. I think it's just a routine examination. You know to see that everything is fine." I told him.

"Then you should also tell your doctor that you got these nose bleeding out of nowhere."

Oh god he didn't forget ?

"Yeah..I will."

We arrived at my house and got out of the car but we stayed at the car.
My back was against the passenger door and he came in front of me and moved slowly his hands towards my waist.

"So beautiful, what are we doing tomorrow after your appointment?" He asked with a smile.

But I couldn't speak. Not until he puts his hands away. I'm afraid if I started talking my whole voice is breaking.

"U-uhm I." See

"Am I making you nervous flower ?"

"No you don't." I say trying to sound confident.

He moved closer and left slow kisses on my neck. His hands grabbed my waist tighter, making me come closer to him.

"Really ? Not even when I do this."

A little moan escaped my lips, but it was to quiet, he couldn't hear it. And I'm glad, because we're literally in front of my parents house.
Even tho I know they are not here, because their cars aren't in the driveway, but it still felt weird.

"Okay, okay we have to stop. My parents could come any moment."

He moved his lips away from my neck and kissed me on my cheek.

"Fine, but I know you enjoyed it." He said with a smirk.

"No I didn't."  Yeah Madellaine, go on and deny the obvious.

"Then I guess I'll have to stay here until you admit it." He said as he leaned against the car with his arms crossed.

God he looks so freaking good right now with his big tattooed arms in his plain black shirt. His tattoos showing on his neck and this smirk.


I saw that my parents are driving into the driveway. I know I don't have to hide him from my parents anymore, but when I'm with him I don't think straight and make crazy things.

"Myles you have to go now." I said as I pushed his arms.

"Just admit it."

"I did not enjoyed it." I said lying again.

"Liar, Liar, pants on fire." He said playfully.

I looked at him with a death stare. He's really joking about it.

"Fine ! Okay I enjoyed it. There, I said it."

"YES ! Okay see you tomorrow flower." He said happy and gave me quick kiss on my cheek.

I saw him moving to the drivers seat, and I laughed to myself. I love how he's acting like a child when he's happy.

As he drove off I went inside and straight into my room to take a shower.

I really should clean my room more often.

I picked my clothes for the shower and looked at my wall. My wall full of pictures that I printed of the ocean. Of Hawaii. The sand. This tropical paradise.

I sighed. What I would do to walk past this beach one time in my life. Or to feel the warm water against my skin.

But I guess this will only stay a dream in my head.

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