❥ 29.

154 3 0

Myle and Myles

"Here, let me take the bags." Ethan said as he exited the car.

We arrived at Myles house and carried his whole things inside.
I went to the other side of the car, to the backseat door and opened it, helping Myles to get out.

"Flower you know I can get out of the car by myself ?" He said with a cheeky smile.

"I know but I would still like to help you, I promised the doctor to taker care of you and that's what I'm doing."

I hold his one hand while he grabbed the car door with his other hand. As he tried to get out I saw the pain in his face, but he's so stubborn that he won't even admit that he's in pain.

We arrived inside and Ethan already brought the bags into Myles room.

"Alright that's all, do you guys still need something ?" Ethan asked.

Myles shook his head and I also answered with a no.

"Thanks bro for helping." Myles replied as he sat down on the couch.

"Of course. I'll see us guys." Ethan said and was about to exited the door when he stopped. "By the way Myles, you mother called and said she'll come by later with your sister to check up on you."

Myles groaned and threw his head back.

"How does she even know that I was in the hospital ?"

"I called her, right after we brought you into the hospital." Ethan replied.

"Why would you do this, you dumbass ?!"
Myles asked in frustration, getting up way to quickly, which led him to groan in pain.

"Sit down Myles, for gods sake." I said grabbing his shoulders from behind and sat him down on the couch.
I heard how the door closed and realized Ethan has already left.

"Can't you stay still for 2 seconds ?" I asked and getting up to go into the kitchen.

"You don't understand, when my mom sees me like this, she'll freak out and start crying."

I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, "she's your mother, of course she's worried about you." I said coming back into the living room.

"I know but sometimes she's just overreacting. She's kinda overprotective you know ?"

Ohhh I know it too well

"Like the one time when I was a kid. I was injured and was brought into the hospital. It wasn't even like that bad but she insisted that we go. She checked on me the whole time if I have a headache or if I feel sick. The end of the story is, that I was just a little bruised up but I was fine.
Well okay... a few weeks later I broke my arm but that's another story."

And there it was again. The broken arm. When he was a child.

God I have to know if it was really him.

"No please tell me the story about your arm."

"It was really nothing serious. I was in the hospital before a few days but then broke my arm while boxing so I had to head back into the hospital. That's actually it."

"But you told me there was girl that reminded you of me. Can you tell me something about it ?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. She was really nice. I met her one day in the dining room. We were at the same station and I was sitting by myself while eating. And she noticed it and sat beside me. Since I had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks longer because of my arm, we've had a lot of time together, so we talked a lot and became friends real quick. The funny thing is her name was Mady and yours is Madellaine so that's why you remind even more of her."

Oh my god

It was really him. The boy I couldn't forget the whole time. The boy who made me the happiest in my childhood. The boy who saved me.

It was him.

My Myle is Myles.

And then that one day when everything changed. I have to know if he still remembers it.

"And what happened after."

I saw how his muscles tensed and a glance of sadness washes over his face.

"Umm...she was sick, she told me her heart is weak and one night I found her in her room while she had an attack so I called the nurses. Her mother told me later that she couldn't breath and almost died. And the worst part was that it was my fault. I came into her room a day before the attack and we played games and ran around in her room. Later on her mother told me she got the attack because the whole running was too much for her heart. Since that day I-"

His voice broke and in that moment my heart broke too. After all this years he still believes that it was his fault. That my attack was his fault. Yes the doctor said that it was because of to much action, but that wasn't the main point. And my mother never told him. So all these years he's been blaming himself.

"I never saw her again. I left the hospital a day later and since that day I never talked about it to anyone." He finished the story and looked so exhausted.

"Myles you can't blame yourself for what happened. Maybe there were other reasons she got the attack. You can't know that."

"Madellaine her mother talked to me herself. It was my fault. She almost died because of me. That's why I promised myself that I would never get close to a girl again, but..." he stopped talking and looked at me.

"When I saw you, something happened inside of me that I can't explain. It felt like home. You felt like home."

She remembers him. Next chapters are going to be more dramatic :p

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