❥ 27.

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Hurrying into the hospital with fear that covers my whole body. He is unresponsive, blood runs out of his mouth and nose. The doctors run into the op. I hear so many different things from the doctors but I can't take anything. He lies on a stretcher and does not move, my hand does not leave his, for a second. I run until we stand in front of the operating room and I am asked to stay outside. I don't want to, I want to stay with him, see personally that he will be fine, but I have no chance.


"He will be fine Madellaine. Don't worry, you know him." Ethan tries to cheer me up, rubbing his hand on my back.

"Did he ever got hurt so bad,that he had to go to the hospital ?" I asked curiously.

Ethan looks down and seems to be thinking. "He told me when he was younger that he was seriously injured, but he was not yet a professional. Since he is a professional, however, he has been injured very badly, but he only stayed in the hospital for two days because he can withstand pain. So don't worry, you'll see he'll be on his feet again quickly."

I really hope so...


6 hours.

6 damn hours have passed without having any idea how he is doing. The doctors walk past us all the time. I continuously ask the doctors and nurses about how he is doing, but I always get the same answer.

"He is still under operation."

"We can't give out any information right now."

"I haven't heard anything from the operating room for a long time."

Ethan meanwhile got something to eat, even if I'm absolutely not hungry, I have to eat something, otherwise I'm the next one to tip over here.

An hour later, a doctor from the hall comes to us and finally starts telling us how Myles is doing.

"Mr. Collane did lost a lot of blood but he did good while we operated him. So he is stable now. He has a few bruised ribs and a slight concussion but otherwise he is missing nothing.

After 7 hours of painful waiting, I was able to exhale for the first time. He's fine.

"May we see him ?" I asked the doctor, impatient.

"Yes, but he will not wake up any time soon. He is still under anesthesia." The doctor said.

He leads us to his room and I am in shock to what I see in front of me.

Myles on the bed. Cable on his whole body. A few in the nose to breathe. And further on his arm. His face looks so white, with a few bruises on his left cheek. I am usually used to this sight with myself. But to see him like that, so broken, so hurt, did something with me that I can't explain.

A small tear escaped my eyes. I feel like this is all my fault, because I kept talking and looking at him while he was fighting. I shouldn't have gone there in the first place.

"Madellaine why are you crying ?" Ethan asked slightly worried from behind me.

"I can't stand seeing him like this Ethan. This is all my fault. If I wouldn't have talked to him and looked at him while he was fighting he wouldn't lay here."

"Why are you saying this ? This is not your fault. Myles was so happy when you came with him. Didn't you see his smile that was plastered on his face the whole time. He couldn't stop smiling because of you.
So do not think that any of this is your fault, because it's not. You make him happy Madellaine. Believe me when I tell you that I haven't seen him this happy in a very long time. So stop talking about yourself like this, he wouldn't would like it either."

Ethan is really good with words.

If that's true what he is saying about Myles, about that I make him happy, then he has no idea how happy he makes me.

"I think I'm gonna drive to his house and grab quick some clothes for him before he wakes up. You will be okay on your own ?" Ethan asked me.

"Yeah don't worry, I'll stay with him."

He nods and walks out of the door.

I see a chair that was on the right side from Myles and grabbed it but was for a second distracted of the beautiful view that was seen from the window. A courtyard full of grass and flowers with a small sidewalk.

I grab the chair and bring it to the left side from Myles, close enough to hold his hand.

"Please wake up Myles, I need you. I wanna hear your voice again and all your compliments that gives me butterflies every time. And I wanna see your beautiful exciting face when you talk about boxing and your fights. And I wanna see that smile that you give me everyday, which I never understood but love so much.
Pleas just wake up."

Two hours had passed and I woke up from my little nap, feeling how he is moving his hand that I was holding.
His eyes are opening slowly until
they are finally fully open and I'm met with these blue - gray eyes that drive me insane.

I stand up and lay my hand on his cheek.
"Myles ?" I say happy.

"Who are you ?"

I did a long long break but I'm back now, so just enjoy the chapter😃

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