❥ 47.

46 1 4

Ahead of us

"They taste so amazing." He said in almost a moan, as he ate his fourth cookie.

Myles and I sat together on his cozy couch, enjoying the warm cookies we had just baked. The sweet aroma filled the room, creating a comforting atmosphere as we settled in for the evening. I glanced at him, my heart fluttering with the joy of spending this time together. He had his biggest boxing match coming up in three days, and although my dad bombed me with information about this sport, because he is the biggest boxing lover that I know, I didn't know much about the sport, but I was eager to understand more about it for Myles.

"Myles," I began, taking a small bite of the cookie, "can you tell me more about your upcoming match? I want to know everything."

He looked at me, a smile playing on his lips as he wiped a crumb from his cheek. "Of course, Madellaine. What do you want to know?"

"Well, for starters, who are you fighting? And what's so important about this match?" I asked, leaning in closer, genuinely curious.

"I'm fighting a guy named Enrico Rivera."

"Wait isn't that, the guy who hurt you while training ?!"

"Yes, but-" he started but I cut him off.

"No buts, you were hurt so badly because of him, you were unconscious. Goddamn Myles you were in the freaking hospital because of him !"

"Yes I know flower, but I'm fine now aren't I ? He's tough though, but I've been training hard for this. This match is important for my career because it gives out a title. Wolrdchampion," He explained, his eyes lighting up with passion.

"How do you prepare for something like this? It must be intense," I said, marveling at his dedication.

"It is," he admitted, "I train every day. We focus on everything from strength and conditioning to strategy and technique. It's not just about being strong; it's about being smart and quick too."

I nodded, trying to grasp the complexity of his sport. "And what about the mental side of things? Do you get nervous?"

"Definitely," Myles said, his expression turning serious. "But it's all about channeling that nervous energy into focus. My coach always says that staying calm and confident is half the battle."

I admired his determination and resilience. "I'm so proud of you, Myles. I know you'll do great."

He reached out and squeezed my hand, a tender gesture that made my heart swell. "Thanks, Madellaine. It means a lot to have your support."

As we continued to talk, I realized just how much this match meant to him and how dedicated he was to his craft. Our conversation made me feel even closer to him, and I silently vowed to be there for him every step of the way. We finished our cookies, the sweet taste lingering as we talked late into the night, sharing dreams and hopes, both for his match and for the future.


A few hours later, after we ate the cookies and talked about everything that crossed our minds, we decided to watch a movie. I was up for tangled and Myles for creed. Of course a boxing movie. And because we couldn't agree what to watch, we went with spider man. A mix of romance and action. Since we both watched already the first part, we watched the second part; spider man rise of electro.

I sat curled up next to Myles on the couch, my head resting against his shoulder as the movie played on the TV. The room was dim, the flickering light from the screen casting soft shadows. In this cocoon of semi-darkness.

As the movie played on, we reached the scene where Gwen falls. I felt a tightening in my chest, an emotional squeeze that made it hard to breathe. Peter was saying Gwen's name over and over again, his voice raw and filled with a desperation that cut through me. It was like looking into a mirror reflecting the future—Myles' future without me. The thought hit me hard, and I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

Myles' hand gripped mine tighter, his fingers interlacing with mine in a silent plea. I turned to look at him, and my heart ached at the sight of his face. His eyes were red and glossy, filled with tears he was trying so hard to hold back. I knew he was thinking the same thing I was. Watching Peter lose Gwen was like a cruel reminder of what was coming for us. The scene on the screen, Peter cradling Gwen's lifeless body, sobbing as if his heart was breaking, mirrored the fear and sadness that we both felt but never spoke about.

I squeezed Myles' hand, trying to tell him through that simple gesture how much I loved him, how sorry I was for what he would have to go through. I wished I could protect him from the pain that was coming, from the emptiness I knew he would feel. Our eyes met, and I saw everything in his gaze—the sorrow, the fear, the love. It was all there, unspoken but so clear. My own tears fell freely now, and I knew he saw them, felt them just as deeply as I did.

The scene faded, but the weight of it lingered. The movie continued, but it was like we were no longer really watching. I shifted closer to Myles, burrowing into his side, feeling his arm tighten around me in response. I tried to focus on the feel of his body next to mine, the rhythm of his breathing, the way his heartbeat sounded under my ear. I wanted to memorize everything about this moment, to hold on to every detail because I knew these moments were slipping through our fingers.

I closed my eyes for a second, listening to the faint sounds of the movie and Myles' steady breathing. I wished I could freeze time, keep this moment forever. I felt a deep sorrow for Myles, for what he was going to have to face, for the pain I was leaving him with. It hurt more than anything to think about him being alone, to think about him dealing with the emptiness I would leave behind.

Myles shifted slightly, pulling me closer, and I felt his lips press gently against my hair. It was a tender, silent promise that he was there, that he wasn't going anywhere. I held on to that promise, held on to him with everything I had left. As the movie played on, I stayed close to him, trying to capture every second, every heartbeat, knowing that soon, these memories would be all we had to hold on to.

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