❥ 21.

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The driving was quiet from the outside, but inside of me, a storm raged in me, it was loud, my thoughts had completely taken me, also my fear. What I'm doing here is not a good idea at all, but I can't help it, I don't know what to do. My parents are losing their minds and I am on my own. I am a burden for everyone, so I do not know whether it is so good where I am going, but I do not know how to help myself.

We arrived after almost 15 minutes. I have never seen this area before but it is beautiful. I look at my cell phone to see if I have hit the right house. I got out of the taxi, nervous. Closed the door and made my way to the house. The house was brightly lit. Rather darker from the outside but it was huge, modern and breathtakingly beautiful.

I lay my finger on the bell and waited. My heart was pounding quickly, I don't know if I feel fear, nervousness or relief. I think it's a mix from all three.

I heard heavy steps approaching the door and only got more nervous. The door went to open and there was the person who probably would have expected me the least of all people. 
And to be honest I would have expected myself here at least too.

I looked at those eyes that did weird things with me every time I looked at them, and was greeted with the famous smile that did even more strange things with me.

The famous smile of Myles Collane.

"Hey", was the only thing I could get out of myself in that moment.

He returned a surprising 'hey'. I just kept looking at him, I didn't know what to say. I felt his and my nervousness in the air.

Why was he nervous?

"What are you doing here ?" He said with a small smile.

Yeah Madellaine, what the hell are you doing here?

"Uhm you know...I wanted...so basically...",
what the hell is going on with me, I feel like one of his admirers who don't get a word from their mouths when he stands in front of them.

"Are you okay ? Do you maybe want to come in ?"
He asked, asked he steps to the side to make room for me.

"Uhmm... actually... I..."

Fucking hell Madellaine, just say yes.

"No." He looked at me surprisingly, but this slightly surprising look quickly became a sad one.

No, you shouldn't say that. Say you're sorry and go inside.

"I'm sorry and go inside." What the fuck.

His eyebrow raised up and he looked amused.
My god I'm totally embarrassing myself.

"What I actually mean is-" I could finish my sentence, because he grabbed my hand and brought me in.

And there they were again, these goosebumps that I get every time he touches me. God he gotta stop that.

When he walked inside with me, I was busy marveling at the house it was huge and beautiful. Marble slabs covered the floor, the walls were tinted in a light gray with a few white details. We stopped at in the living room that was next to his front door. To the left of the living room was the kitchen and there was a long hallway.

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