❥ 8.

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Boxing match

I sit in my room and print out more pictures of Hawaii. I still can't figure out how beautiful the beach is there.
The sea is so clear and enveloped in a unique blue. The sand is as white as angels and the little creatures crawling through the sand.
It's just a dream.

I print out the pictures and hang them on my wall over my desk. Even if I will never visit this tropping paradise, I still think it's nice to imagine how I walk there and the pictures help me with that.

I'm about to hang them up when my dad storms into my room. I've never seen him so happy. He remains on the door with one hand holding the doorknob and the other, two cards.

"Madellaine you won't believe what I have."
His smile gets bigger while I slowly put the pictures back on the table. What is he so happy about ?

"I have two cards for a fight."

"Fight ?" I said confused.

"Yes, fight", he replies overjoyed.

"Myles Collane against Ricky Tyson, tonight and you will go with me."

"Me, why me ? Why don't you go with your friends, you know I don't like boxing fights."

"And that's exactly why you come with me. I want to show you that boxing is the best sport in the world and hope to get this picture you have from boxers out of your mind" He said happy.


"Please Madellaine, do your old one a favor."

I really hate boxing. I will never understand why two guys stand in the middle and beat each other.

For what even?

For money?

For fame?

For women?

No, I will never understand it, but I still agree. My father was a great help for me all the time and I think it is the least I can do. And apart from that, I can eat as much popcorn as I want and my mom- wait my mom, she will never allow me to go with him.

"But dad, what about mom, she will start yelling at me and lock me at home again and she is so gonna tear your head off."

"Dont worry about it sweetie, I got it." He said giving me one of the cards.

"Just be finished in two hours, the fight starts at 8pm."
He gives me a kiss on the forehead and disappears.

I look at the card in my hand;
Myles Collane vs Ricky Tyson at the Climate Pledge Arena at 8pm.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this, but hey still better than spending every day at home.

Welp I guess I'm going to my first boxing match.


It is already in the evening and we are sitting at dinner. My mom eats her food with relish while my father wiggles the whole table with excitement with his knee. He behaves like a little child who is getting a full load of candy, and that's all because of a boxing match, but that's exactly what I love about him.

In the meantime, I roll through my food with my fork because I have lost my appetite. It's been lika that for a few days, it's a little weird, the last time I had that were 5 years ago, when I got my diagnosis...

Pff, I'm probably getting my period, that's why I feel like that.

I still wonder how my father wants to cover our visit from the boxing match up.

My mother is hard to deceive, believe me, I speak from experience. I still remember when I was in the hospital when I was 12 and sat in my room and was eating. Myle brought me my favorite chocolate; strawberry -chocolate, and of course my mother knew it was my favorite.
Anyway, he put it down next to my plate and I was just about to grab it when my mom came in. Myle quickly took it from my plate and said that it was his, of course my mother didn't believe him and kicked him out because of the lie.

Myle was really awesome, he- wait, how the fuck do I come up to think of him, the last time I thought of him was 5 years ago and when I read my diary. Okay I definitely should stop thinking of him, he makes me think of the happy time with him and I don't wanna be remembered of that, because it was the last time I were truly fucking happy.


Myle ?

"Hey sweetie, your mom is outside so we can go now." My dad said at my door.

Fuck dad, I thought Myle was calling for me.

He always called me Mady, I don't know why but I loved the way my name came out of his mouth, it made my name sound so beautiful, even tho it's just my nickname, but he made it sound so angelic, so pure, so gorgeou-

Omg Madellaine clear your fucking head.
He is now somewhere else and probably lives his happy life with his girlfriend and already forgot about you.


I just wanted to make it clear that this arena really exists, but it still has no connection with the story, obviously. I just wanted to make it clear again.
Love you

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