❥ 46.

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Three days left and I feel like I'm the one who is gonna stand in this ring.

Myles ist training now almost every day to stay fit, but seriously look at him. That man could rot in bed for three weeks and still would look like he just came out of the gym. He's so freaking perfect, sometimes it's unreal that he's my-

My boyfriend ? What are we ?

Wait I've never thought about it. Are we together ? Are we friends ?

Okay I think we skipped the friends zone a long time ago. But what are we then ?

I'm not gonna ask him tho. It would be too embarrassing, imagine if he says that we are only friends, or just buddies.

Be for real Madellaine.

The way he looks at you, says more than just "being friends".

We are now in his gym and he's training his ass off since two hours. This can't be healthy.

After his trainer said to him that he should take a break, he comes down from the ring and walks to me.

"Have I ever told you how hot you look while boxing ?" I asked him in a playful tone, giving him his water.

"Is that so ?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mmh." I reply with a smile and throw my arms around his neck to kiss him.
He kisses me back and groans into the kiss.

I pull him closer to me and I thank god that nobody is here right now, so I ran my fingers into his hair and begin to moan a little.

He pulls away and looks at me with big eyes. I look at him too because I thought I did something wrong.
Myles put his fingers on my chin and pulls me closer to his face, only inches away from our lips touching again.

"That was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard from you." He said.

Butterflies erupted my stomach and my knees get weak. His low, strong voice make me feel strong and freaky things.

"You wanna come home with me today ?" He asked with a smile.

I start to grin and nodded with my head. He chuckles and gives me one last kiss before he takes his bag and we walk out of the gym.


Myles POV:

After finishing my boxing training, we drove off to my place.  I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather spend my time with, especially with my biggest fight coming up in just three days.

As we walked through the door, I could feel the familiar blend of excitement and nerves settling in. Madellaine looked around, her eyes bright with curiosity. "I love your place," she said, smiling. I couldn't help but smile back. There was something comforting about having her here, in my space, just being with me.

"Thanks," I replied, tossing my gym bag onto the couch. "Make yourself at home."

She kicked off her shoes and wandered into the living room, looking at the pictures on the wall. I followed her, feeling a bit nervous but mostly happy. We'd spent a lot of time together, but this felt different, more intimate.

"So, how are you feeling about the fight?" she asked, sitting down on the couch and patting the spot next to her. I sat down and brushed a some hair from her face. She has such beautiful brown eyes.

"I'm excited, but also a bit anxious," I admitted. "It's the biggest fight of my career so far, and I want to do my best."

Mady nodded, her eyes full of understanding. "I know you'll do great," she said softly. "You've worked so hard for this."

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