Setting Boundaries

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"What do I need to apologize for I ain't say nothing wrong?"
I look at her like she was crazy she always despised me more than my brothers because I called her out on her bullshit. I was surprised when I heard Love giggle. She walked over to my mother and stood dead in her face."You might have gave birth to him but I am responsible for the man he has become if you think your going to come in my house and call the shots you have life severely twisted. YOU DONT HAVE TO LIKE ME OR EVEN SPEAK TO ME BUT YOU WILL RESPECT ME UNDERSTOOD IM THE QUEEN OF THIS CASTLE AND YOU WILL RESPECT ME UNDERSTOOD?" I had never seen someone get my mother together so eloquently. My mother shook her head quickly. Me and my brothers started laughing at her she finally met someone who wasn't going to put up with her shit.

"So if your done throwing your lil temper tantrum we will sit down and eat like civilized people. " My mother looked like a hurt puppy. I giggled some more and waited for Love to come back over to me. I put my arms around her and kissed her. I glanced at her parents her mother was glaring at mine and her father looked tickled. We made our way to the dining room and I pulled out Love chair before sitting down. G money pulled out our moms chair and Jasmines. I looked at my mom and rolled my eyes. Love touched my thigh and I looked at her she had a look that said be nice. I bit my lip and blushed. I looked around seeing if anyone noticed that she had me wrapped around her finger. Herb made whipping sounds and I squinted at him. "Ok let's bow our heads and say grace before we eat. Everyone joined hands and bowed our heads.

"God we come thanking you for the return of my butterfly,I also want to thank you for her fiance who was there for her to protect her at a time that I couldn't as a father and preparing for a lifestyle she was born into,Bless this food as we eat and celebrate the return of our queen in Jesus name we pray Amen."

I opened my eyes and saw Brandon mom staring dead at me. Lord give me the strength and compassion to deal with her. I looked at the wonderful spread before us. It was everything from sesame seed chicken, to steak and lobster I was finna have a ball. I asked Brandon what he wanted and fixed his plate before I fixed mine. My dad nodded approvingly. "So may I ask how you and Brandon met?" I looked up at his mother. I smiled touching Brandon's hand. "I was working at Miaisha uncle's boutique and he asked me out on a date which of course I said no to buy I ended up going out with him and a week later he asked me to be his girlfriend I said yes I had already fell in love with him." I looked at Brandon and he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I am very blessed " I blushed and rubbed his arm.
His mother cleared her throat "Well he finally found someone who crazy enough to put up with his egotistical ass" I slammed my hand against the table "look lady if you keep this up you are not welcomed to our wedding I have had it up to here with you I can't believe you really would sit here and put down your own son like this!!!" I got up from the table while everyone was staring at his mom. I made it halfway up the stairs and Brandon was behind me. "Babygirl it's okay Priscilla has always been like this towards me " He grabbed me up in his arms.

Did you have enough to eat?" She shook her head " I am still hungry" I laughed deeply "I just wish she could see how good of a man you are if she keeps this up I don't want her around our baby" I kissed her forehead "Don stress yourself and my baby out don't worry about her " I got her settled into the room and walked in to the hall about to go down the stairs I ran smack dead into Priscilla my mother. "Is my daughter in law okay?" I took a deep breath "Yes no thanks to you I know you despise me for whatever reason but don't take it out on my wife she is the only good thing in my life and I won't let you ruin it no if you'll excuse me" I walked around her to get to the stairs


I turned around and looked her in the eyes to see if she really meant it. I could see the tears in her eyes I backtracked and hugged her " I love you ma I always have" she hugged me for a long time and I let her. I never thought that was the reason she despised me so much was because I reminded her so much of my father. I only have a few brief memories of him all of which we bad "I love you Brandon I'm proud of you and she really is a beautiful girl I'm sorry for everything you think she will give me a chance to start over " I nodded stroking her hair " if my baby is anything she is forgiving she really wanted your approval."

She nodded wiping her eyes " I will let her rest for tonight and we can start over tomorrow" I nodded as she kissed my cheek. I watched her walk off to her room. I went downstairs to get my baby some food.

I saw the whole interaction with Brandon and his mother I was happy that he had found closure with his mother. I sat down back in bed and waited for him to come back he looked lighter and had was more relaxed. He sat down and gave me the food. I smiled at him and he rubbed his thumb over my cheek. "You really are a blessing you know that?" I chuckled and kissed him then started eating. "My mom apologized she just was afraid I would turn out like my father more than the rest of my brothers" I nodded rubbing his arm. Letting him know I was listening "Well I forgive her she just misunderstood that's all " I finished eating and sat my plate to the side

"For the first time my mother told me she was proud of me" I kissed his cheek "I'm happy for you baby" he grabbed my neck gently and tongue kissed me. I moaned getting on top of him but a knock at the the door brought us back to our senses.

I got off Brandon and he shifted hiding his excitement. It was my parents. Brandon looked at my dad then me. "Relax son I'm just checking on my butterfly and I wanted to tell you when your mother and I were young my mother couldn't stand your mother either but they did end up having a great relationship in the end." My mom laughed and rubbed my father's chest "

Yes she gave me hell at first but she was wise in her own way god rest her soul" my mom came over and kissed me on the cheek "What we are really saying is that you to are made for each other and you shouldn't let anything stop that or get in the way of you too being happy" I nodded and got up to hug my dad before they left. A part of me still felt like this was to good to be true. I looked at Brandon he was smiling at me like he knew a secret I didn't.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He held out his arms for me and I walked into them "Nothing it's just the first time I saw you I knew that I wanted to be with you forever" I sniffed his neck "I wish I could have made us happen sooner" he chuckled kissing my forehead before he got  up and locked the door.  I knew what was on his mind.

"I love you babygirl" she laid on my chest spent from making love all night "I love you to Brandon" I had put it off as long as I could but it was time for me to put out the kill order for maneski it was obvious he wasn't coming to his senses I just felt so crazy about all  this. I never particularly cared for him but we had known each other all our lives. A text cam through on my phone it was from maneski

Maneski: I have something you are going to want.
Me: Nigga you ain't got shit I want or need!!!!!
Maneski:  Oh so I can just put this all over the internet.

He sent an attachment and my blood ran cold. It was me and Love having sex in our condo
  Brandon : what do you want ?
Maneski: Simple I just want us to meet

I gritted my jaw I had to give him what he wanted how was I going to tell love without her loosing it on me my brothers would throw at shit fit I had to come up with a plan and fast.

Maneski: I will tell you the time and place

Me: I don't trust that meet me at the old trap spot off 79th

Maneski: Alright deal

Maneski had been planning this for a while I took a deep breath I didn't know how I was going to explain this to my brother but more importantly I didn't know how to tell Love I didn't want stress her and my baby out. I could involve her father but I didn't want him to think I couldn't protect his daughter shit!!  I got up and knocked on each of my brother doors. "We got a problem" I said and looked at them the look at each other then back at me.

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