Bruised and Broken

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I woke up screaming from a nightmare of my father. Bibby burst into the room ,I took a couple deep breaths as Bibby put his arms around me. "It's okay babygirl I got you" I leaned into him and breathed in his scent calming my nerves. "I love you it's okay"  I held on to him fighting tears. He held me for a long time before pulling back  he handed me some pills and a glass of juice "here take these for the pain" I swallowed them down.

I reached for him needing to feel him next to me. "Was this the reason you disappeared on me the first time?" I nodded my head "Yes I was embrassed about it and we had just got together I didn't want to lose you" he sighed and held me "You could never loose me Babygirl I just wish you would have told me sooner"
"I'm sorry I didn't know how"
"It's okay" I looked up as Herb knocked
"You alright lil sis?"
I nodded looking at him with my good eye. 
"You hungry Miaisha made some food?"
"Yeah I'm a little hungry"
He nodded and left to go fix my food.
Bibby looked at me hurt and pain evident in his eyes. "I'm going to kill him."

"Do you need my help?" I looked at Sapphire shocked that she was willing to help me kill her father. "Are you sure?" I asked  "Brandon he's beaten me since I was 9 years old and he told me if I ever tried to leave he would kill me I'm tired at this point I know his whole schedule" I nodded and pulled her into my chest as tears rolled down her face.

I could only imagine the hell she had been put through. Her phone started ringing and she looked at it. Her face twisted filled with fear. I could tell it was her father. She threw the phone down looking at me with fear in her eyes.
I pulled her into my chest gently "it okay baby I got you" Miaisha brought in a plates of food for me and Sapphire.

"Hey Sapphire I just want you to know we love you and we are all here for you Miaisha said hugging her and sitting the plates down. Sapphire nodded and wiped her eyes, then she jumped up looking in the mirror "MY FUCKING FACE!!" She pushed closer to the mirror. I got up and held her "It's okay baby it will heal" she turned to me "I LOOK FUCKING HORRIBLE!! her bottom lip was trembling. I kissed her lips "Your still beautiful" Miaisha pipped in "It just swollen right now eat something and then we clean you up. Sapphire nodded and sat back on the bed eating her food. We ate and I kissed her forehead as I left her with the girls so they could clean her up.

I went and sat with the guys "So how are we going to do this?" Shawn asked
I looked at him "Sapphire is down to help" they all nodded "We should make it look like a robbery." I nodded as we talked over a plan.

I sighed as Miaisha and Jasmine cleaned my face. The shit was singing bad. "How long has he been hitting you Sapphire?" Jasmine asked apply bacitracin to my face. "Since I was nine" Miaisha face frowned up "why you ain't tell somebody?" " I shrugged "I didn't have nobody I could tell and I thought it was normal until I got older" Miaisha hugged me before cleaning more of my scars. " Why you didn't tell me?" I shook my head "Miaisha he told me he would kill me and I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you because of my shit" Miaisha nodded I could tell she was hurt. "I didn't mean to keep it from you I'm sorry "

Jasmine ran her fingers through my hair "Don't worry we gone handle that son of a bitch" I nodded. They finished cleaning me up they wrapped guaze around my waist because jasmine was sure I had bruised ribs because it hurt everytime I breathed. She also wrapped my wrist that was slit open.
I thanked them and they both hugged me.

Telling me I was not alone in this anymore. We walked out into the living room where the guys where in a heavy conversation. I wanted to go back and hide because I looked so fucked up. Bibby looked up at me and held out his arms I walked over to him and he pulled me into his lap. Snuggling me and holding me. "I would never hurt you" he whispered into my ear I smiled and fought back tears. I glanced at Shawn,Gmoney and Herb they were all looking at me with heavy expressions. "We got you lil sis" I nodded and gave him a smile.

I took it upon myself to address the elephant in the room. "I know his whole schedule and we have a safe in the house that holding no less than 300 g's.We should probably wait until my face swelling goes down because I will have to talk to the police once he is dead"

Everybody nodded "Before anyone ask I'm sure I want to go through with this he has been beating me since I was 9 told me he would kill me before he let me leave him. I will do it myself all I need is a gun and help moving the money"

Bibby grabbed my hand and I looked at him with my good eye. "Im in this with you babygirl" I looked at him and kissed him he grabbed my face and kissed me back he made me feel better about myself even though I looked disfigured at the moment.  We broke the kiss "We all in lil sis that ain't even a question."

I nodded " I can draw blueprints of the house there is no cameras and he only turns the security system on at night. The safe is in the living room  behind a picture and very easy to access I don't know the code so we will have to get it. Also we just hired a new maid but she leaves by 1:00 pm everyday. The house is also secluded so we don't have to worry about the neighbors". I took a deep breath and exhaled. G money looked at me and smiled

"Damn buckz you sure shawty ain't a trap queen?" We all busted out laughing. It felt good to be around people who genuinely cared for me and do anything for me.


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