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"I love you" I told Bibby as I finished getting ready so I could drive back to my house and put on a show for the police. "You want me to come?" He said grabbing my waist "No I got this"

"I had already sent him a text before we rushed him saying I would be spending the night a Miaisha house.
So now all I gotta do is return to the house and pretend to be distraught we I find out he is dead"

Bibby nodded but didn't look convinced "I will call Miaisha we I get there and she will pick me up and bring me back here I don't want you anywhere near this knowing what you already got going on" He grabbed me and kissed me I kissed him back "I love you Babygirl"
"I love you too"
I got in my car and drove to my house it was police cars there. I ran up the steps before they could stop me "NNNNNOOOO"

I fell down a busted into tears crying as I fell on the ground near his body "DAADDDDY" I screamed on of the officers pulled me to them as I continued crying my eyes out.
"We are sorry for your loss it appears to have been a home invasion"

I looked up at the officer and grabbed his shirt "Bring him back please" I said my voice cracking
"I can't do that sweetheart" I leaned back into his shirt and cried some more.
The tears I was shedding were for myself and all those years off pain and trauma that I endured I could care about the monster laying there on the floor. A detective walked over to me "Miss where were you last night?"

I looked up at him "I was at my best friend Miaisha house I spent the night I SHOULD HAVE DIED WITH HIM" I shrieked.
The detective eyes got big and he just walked off probably thinking I was mental but I didn't need him asking me anymore questions.

The officer who was holding me "Is there anyone you can call to pick you up?" I looked at him and nodded "Can you stand ?" I made a show of trying to get up and stand steady on my feet "I need to speak with the detective" the officer called him back over "Your going to find who did this right?"
"I will do everything in my power but I am not making any promise things like this happen all the time." I shook my head and started Crying again"What am I supposed to do now?"I was glad the I find out the detective could give a shit about the case he was just here for his paycheck.

"Sapphire I am so sorry for your loss but these cases we rarely find out anything" the detective stated "But here is my card I nodded and took his card "I am detective Daniels and this is officer joe.
I looked at the man who was helping me walk "I will keep you posted if I get any news" I nodded my head and Officer Joe helped walk me outside. I pulled out my phone and called Miaisha
"My dad has been murdered I said sobbing while officer joe was rubbing my shoulder "Can you come pick me up I can't drive right now?"
She said yes like we had practiced and I hung up the phone as officer joe was trying to comfort me with words of encouragement. I nodded as I saw Miaisha pulled up running up to hug me she exchanged a few words with the officer.While I was still crying and then we're in her car headed to Bibby's condo.

I was staring at the TV not even watching it while I was thinking about sapphire. I was on edge even though I knew she could handle it. I heard the front door open and I walked up and hugged her. "How did it go?"

"We have nothing to worry about the detective is not even concerned with the case he said they rarely get people in these situations and I should win an Oscar for my performance because I acted a damn fool". I exhaled and nodded I grabbed her and kissed her eyelids "How do you feel?" I could tell she had been crying I knew she had to but I still didn't like it.

"I feel like I'm hungry "she said wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I'll order us some food go lay down babygirl". I could tell she was tired from the whole ordeal.

"I want pizza and hot wings "she kissed my cheek and walked towards the room. I ordered the food and waited in the living room until they knocked on the door. I carried the pizza and wings to the bedroom. Sapphire was laying there she turned when she smelled the food and I chuckled. "I got an Extra large pepperoni,bacon and banana peppers pizza and I got you 60 boneless hot wings".

She started eating and I watched her before eating myself after she we was done eating. I crawled over to her. "I love you babygirl "

"I love you too baby"she kissed my lips and I stuck my tongue in her mouth.
I broke away from the kiss "Finish taking a nap baby then I'mma show you how to trap"
She pulled me down on to her I knew she wanted me to sleep with her.So I laid my head on her titties. She drifted off to sleep and I thought about how blessed I was to have someone that I could kill or deal in front off and she was riding with me either way. Even though she grew up rich she was a gangsta at heart.

I knew I could trust her with anything,I was going to ask her to marry me.I set an alarm and then I drifted off breathing in her sweet savory scent. Once my alarm went off I woke up kissing Sapphire on the mouth as she woke up as well. My dick was on hard in my gym shorts. "I can help you with that" after we had a quickie. I drove her to the trap with a smile on my face.

"This is where I be when I'm not at the studio."

I looked over at her as she smiled and nodded. I watched as she clicked her gun of safety.

"No lacking when you in the trenches"
I smirked at her " Keep talking like that imma put a baby in you"
"I was filled with your babies about an hour ago." I started having flashbacks of my cum filling her pussy.
I gripped the steering wheel as my dick got hard.
"I'm fucking the shit outta you when we get home"
She leaned over kissing me on the cheek I grabbed her neck and tongue kissed her before I hopped out and opened her door.

I stepped out clutching my Glock and looked at our surroundings
"You a trap queen fasho" Bibby chuckled leading me into the trap house. I greeted herb,Shawn,and g money. Maneski was the only one shocked to see me we left him out of the hit. Everybody thought things would go smoother without him because they said he was reckless which I believed.

Bibby sat me down and started teaching me how to bag things and how they sold them. I had it all down packed in a hour."Y'all know any good tattoo places?" I asked looking around with my new found freedom I could do anything I wanted and I enjoyed the feeling. "Yeah I got abdomen piece done by Ryan from Black ink" I nodded an looked at Herb.

"You thinking about getting a tattoo?"Bibby asked leaning back looking at me.
"Well tattooes as in plural but yes I wanted some for a while now"
Bibby nodded but I could tell he didn't agree with tattooes. I chuckled and starting counting money.
I felt eyes on me and I looked over at Maneski mugging tf outta me. I cocked my head and returned his glare daring him to challenge me. Shawn and gmoney caught the exchanged and chuckled when Maneski looked away submissively. I went back to counting
Money and Miaisha called me I stopped counting and answered.
"Wassup you going graduation shopping soon right?"
I sighed with everything that had happened I completely forgot about graduation.
"Nah I probably won't even walk the stage I will just have them send me my diploma."
Bibby's head snapped away from his  phone looking at me.
"Girl this only happens once?" Miaisha stated in my ear
"Actually it will happen when I get my degrees too so that's a lie"
Bibby snatched my phone "Yeah Miaisha she going shopping for her graduation dress" I looked at him with my mouth open. "Yeah we will meet you there." He hung up and passed me my phone back.

"You walking across that stage period'
I glared at him but didn't say anything
It's not even that big of a deal but I knew I was not going to convince him of that. We finished up at the trap house and we got in the car. He leaned over and tongue kissed me. Then he pulled back "I didn't graduate high school you may not think it's a big deal but I want to see you walk across that stage. " I nodded looking at him
"You inspire me Sapphire I'm going back to get my Ged and I'm going to enroll in college too."
I hugged him "That's wonderful baby"
"I'm so proud of you" he smiled at me.
"Now let's go find you a dress" I rubbed his face as he pulled off.

Love you guys 💗💗💗💗

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