46 - twisted minds

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"Vica" I called out as I entered the apartment, I had just gotten home from Damiano and I wasn't sure whether she was home or not. Exhausted I walked around the living room in Damianos sweatpants, which hung by my hips, but Vic was nowhere to be found. After I had established that she wasn't in the kitchen, bathroom or her room I came to the realization of where she was. Rooftop.
Immediately I walked up the stairs to find her. As soon as I opened the door I heard her crying. She was standing leaning against the railing, looking out over the city.
"Vic" I said and walked up to her, she turned around to face me. Her eyes were red and her face was puffy from crying, to be honest she looked like a mess. She didn't say anything.
I brought my arms around her and hugged her tightly, she hugged me back and sobbed into my shoulder.
"I fucked everything up" She sobbed.
"No you didn't" I comforted her, stroking her back.
"I really liked her, and now she won't even speak to me" She said.
"I know you did, I really don't get why she's so mad" I said and let go of her.
"God I don't know, I kinda understand her but I also don't" She said and wiped her tears.
"Yeah me too" I sighed. "But never think that this is more your fault than mine"
"But it is, I leaned in" She objected.
"I kissed you back, if you hadn't leaned in I probably would have" I said.
"Yeah well maybe we're both fuck ups" She said.
"Yeah" I agreed.

"You know I spent the entire night outside her apartment" She admitted.
"What?!" I said shocked.
"Yeah well I went there to try and talk to her, but she slammed the door in my face, and I don't know, I just wanted to show her that I wanted to fight for her" She said.
"Okay I'm gonna say something I know you aren't going to agree with" I finally said.
She was quiet for a moment.
"What?" She asked softly.
"I don't think she deserves you" I said.
"That's not true-" She started.
"Please just listen to me before you say no" I begged her. "You spent the entire night outside her apartment, begging her for forgiveness, and she had the audacity to not even let you speak? I don't think she knows what she lost" I said, starting to feel anger building up, I really hated that bitch.
"You just say that to make me feel better" She disagreed.
"No I'm not, who the fuck does she think she is? Don't you think the fact that Damiano is totally fine with it kind of says something?" I asked her.
"I know, I'd be okay with it if the roles were reversed, it's not like I fucked some random guy, we just kissed, we do that all the time" She said, starting to agree with me.
"Exactly, she threw away everything you two had over that? I've known you for my entire life and you're still my favorite person in the world" I said. "I mean you could murder someone and I'd help you bury the body" I said, making her chuckle a little through her tears.
"Same" She wiped her tears away as a little smile spread on her lips.
"You don't need her, you deserve so much more" I told her and smiled at her.
"Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you" She said and hugged me tightly.
"I love you" I whispered as I hugged her back.
"I love you too" She said.

We stayed quiet for a while, trying to process everything.
"Am I really your favorite person in the world?" She broke the silence.
"Of course" I said, surprised by the question.
"Even over Damiano?" She asked in disbelief.
"Yes, even over him" I laughed.
"Really?" She asked.
"Yes why don't you believe me?" I said.
"I don't know, it's been going so well with you two recently I thought you might love him more" She said.
"I'll always love you more, you know that, why are you denying it?"
"Okay I believe you" She finally said.
"You're not gonna say the same?" I bursted out laughing.
"Hmm I've kinda got that bond with Thomas you know" She joked, making me laugh even harder.
"You're mean" I said, she just laughed.

A few days later I was hanging out at the studio with the band, watching them rehearse, they were working on some new songs.
Their studio was at a house about half an hour outside of Rome. It was a big, white house with a pool outside. Downstairs was mainly a big living room with a couch and tv along with a kitchen and a bathroom, upstairs was a studio and two bedrooms where we would crash sometimes.

Always been you - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now