61 - sick

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One hour and about a hundred unnecessary comments from my parents later we decided to call it a night.

The dinner could definitely have went worse, but both my parents made sure that every one of my friends knew that they thought that being in a band is a hobby - not a job and that Damiano wasn't good enough for me. Except for that everything went great.

I honestly thought it would go way worse, yet I left the restaurant with a heavy sinking feeling in my stomach.

The band and I decided to walk back to the hotel.

"Thank you for being so great, I know they aren't the easiest" I said to all of them.
"Olivia this wasn't a chore or a sacrifice to us" Ethan chuckled. "Sure we don't see eye to eye with everything in life, but your parents aren't bad people, I enjoyed seeing them" He said.
"Ethan is right, we're honored that you want us to meet your parents and that they want to meet us" Thomas agreed.
"They created you for gods sake" Victoria said, making me laugh.

"You guys are the best" I said. "Thank you, this wasn't the easiest for me"
"We know honey, you did great" Vic assured me. I smiled at her.

The summer air had turned chilly as the sun was setting. I held onto Damianos arm as goosebumps spread over my body, revealing how cold I was.

"Do you want my jacket?" He offered when he saw the goosebumps on my arms.
"It's okay, you don't have to" I politely declined.
"Well I didn't ask if I had to, I asked if you wanted it" He said teasing and started taking his black blazer off.
"Thank you" I said and put it on when he handed it to me. It was warm and cozy. It felt like him.

"You don't have to do this you know" I said to him. We were walking slightly behind the others now.
"Do what?" He asked. He kept his gaze on the street in front of us.
"Put on this perfect gentleman front" I said.
"What? Do you think I'm acting?" He said confused, now looking down on me.
"No, no, that's not what I mean" I said, surprised by his reaction. His intense gaze made me a bit stressed.
"Then what do you mean?" He asked, he almost sounded upset.
"Oh forget it, it's nothing" I said in attempt to calm him down.
"No, I want to know, do you not think that I'm a gentleman?" He raised his voice at me. I didn't like it when he did that, so I shrugged away and let go of his arm.
"Damiano, will you please calm down, it's nothing, I shouldn't have said that" I said carefully, I looked down at the street as I walked.
"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have raised my voice and scared you" He said apologetic. Speaking softly at me.

"You didn't scare me" I muttered. "I just don't like when you do that" I said quietly.
"I know, I just want to know what you meant, can you please tell me?" He said and reached for my hand. Our hands naturally intertwined.

I sighed as I realized that he wouldn't let this go.

"I just mean, that I know you better than anyone, you don't constantly have to try so hard, I don't expect you to always be perfect" I explained.
"I don't really understand what you mean by that" He said confused, but calmer this time.
"My intentions are to love her and make her laugh for as long as she'll let me" I qouted him. "You don't have to say stuff like that" I said.
"Well it's the truth" He said shortly and looked back up at the street.
"Yes, I know, I don't mean it like that" I said, tired of him not understanding me.

"Appearently there's a lot of things you say but don't mean" He said coldly.

"I'm just saying that I wouldn't break up with you if you didn't buy my mother flowers or forget to hold the door for me once" I said annoyed.
"Well maybe I'm not doing it to prove myself to you, but to be a decent human being, did that ever occur to you?" He snapped at me. His harsh words hurt me. Why did he have to put me down like that? He made me feel bad and guilty about what I had just said when I really didn't mean anything bad.

Always been you - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now