62 - leave me alone

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"Olivia wait!" Damiano called after me.

I tried to walk away from him but he was faster. I couldn't get far in my stilettos.
"Olivia please I'm so sorry" He said and grabbed my hand from behind so that I would stop and turn around.
His strong grip hurt my arm.
"Let go of me" I said and pulled my hand away. "I don't want to talk to you" I said and continued walking.
"Please let me explain" He yelled after me.
"No, because I know exactly what you're going to say" I said and turned around.
"They said it to me first, I was just trying to defend you, I know, okay, I was there" I yelled at him. I looked at him and saw tears in his eyes.
I couldn't stand seeing him cry. It hurt so much.
"Livvie.." His voice was strained from his tears.
"I finally had a good relationship with my parents, they finally liked you, now it's all ruined" I said to him.
"I know that I fucked up and that I hurt you, I am so sorry, but you can't blame all of it on me" He said.
"I know that it's their fault too, mostly their fault actually, I'm extremely disappointed and mad at them, but I'm not surprised, I'd expect this from them, but you just sank to their level, you're no better than they are" I said spiteful.
I could see how my words hurt him. I knew how sorry he was, but I needed to get away from him right now.
"I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do for you to forgive me?" He asked. He looked at me with his hurt eyes filled with tears. I gave him one last look and wiped my own tears.
"Yeah, you can leave me the fuck alone" I said and turned around.
"Olivia walking away won't make any of this better, can't we please try to solve it?" He begged me.
"Well maybe I just don't want to talk to you right now, did that ever occur to you?" I said without turning around and walked away from him.

"We fought, again" I said.
I was standing at Victorias door.
"Awe, your parents or Damiano?" She asked concerned.
"Both" I said.
"Oh honey, what do you need? Tissues? Chocolate? Alcohol?" She asked worried.
"A hug" I said. She immediately dropped everything and rushed to hug me.

"Come in" She said and closed the door behind me. I took my shoes off and laid down on the bed in her hotel room. She laid down next to me.
"Both? How did that even happen?" She asked.

I started telling her about how it all had happened.

"We fight all the time, Damiano and me, I'm so sick of it" I sighed.
"You do?" She asked surprised.
"Yeah, we didn't use to, but these last few weeks it's just.. I don't know" I said to her.
"Well maybe it's because you're seeing each other constantly now that we're on tour?" She suggested.
"Yeah I've thought about that" I said. "But at the same time I want to see him all the time, you know, I want to wake up next to him, I want to fall asleep next to him, not even next to him, with him, I want to be as close as possible to him at all times and spend all my days with him but he also drives me absolutely insane, why is that?"
"Sweetie that's love" She told me.
I nodded. "Love"

"How do you solve the fights?" She asked.
"He kisses me and says he's sorry" I admitted. "I forgive him immediately, I can't help it" I said.
"Honey that doesn't sound so good" Vic said doubtful.
"I know, last night he even interrupted me when I was trying to apologize by kissing me" I said.
"You've made him watch too many chick flicks" She laughed.
"Yeah, maybe" I said and chuckled a little.

"Olivia" She said.
"What do you want? In an ideal situation, what would you want him to do?" She asked.
"I'd want him to not be an asshole to my parents" I answered.
"Yeah he shouldn't have done any of that, but it's already done, how do you want to move from here?" She asked.
"I don't know.." I said and thought about it. "I'd like some form of apology from my parents, I mean Damiano has apologized enough, he ran after me and begged for forgiveness, they just sat there completely quiet"
"Sounds like them" She said.
"Yeah, they always do this, they stay quiet and the next day they pretend like nothing ever happened" I sighed.
"Yeah I know, it's not fair to anyone" She said.
"Anything else?"
"I'd like him and my parents to apologize to each other" I said.
"That sounds good" She said.

Always been you - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now