93 - blue lines

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"When is daddy coming home?"
Her adorable little voice and big eyes made my heart melt every time. I squatted down in front of her so that we were at the same eye level.
"Daddy should be home any second" I told her and stroked through her light brown locks. Her beautiful dark eyes lit up with happiness.
"It's been a second!" She said impatiently and twirled a little. I laughed at her sassy attitude.
"I promise he will be home very soon" I assured her and straightened out a wrinkle on her pretty pink dress.
"Mommy stop it! You're ruining my new dress" She told me off. She hadn't quite figured out how to say ruining yet, I thought it was the cutest thing ever how she insisted on using it anyway.
"I'm sorry cara, I was just trying to fix it" I told her and let go of the dress.
"My name isn't cara. You should know that mommy you named me" She said and gave me a strict face that made me break into laughter. She was already smarter than I would ever be.
"It's a nickname sweetie" I explained.
"Oh, a nickname" She repeated to herself.

Suddenly the elevator doors opened with a ding sound.
"Daddy!" She exclaimed happily and ran towards Damiano coming out of the elevator into the apartment. My heart skipped a beat every time I saw the two of them together.
She jumped into his arms like she would always do.
"Hi principessa" He said as he lifted her up with one arm and held her tight as he placed kisses all over her face. Her adorable laughter echoed across the apartment.
He was wearing black suit pants and a white dress shirt. He looked so handsome, all grown up.
"Daddy look at my new dress" She said excited.
"It's really pretty sweetie" He told her.
"Mommy got it for me" She explained to him. I watched them with a huge smile on my lips. My heart was overflowing with love for them.
"Well guess what, I also have something for you" He said and gave her a mini bouquet of light pink peonies.
"Thank you daddy I love you" She said excited and held the flowers in her tiny hands.
"You're welcome amore" He chuckled.
"I'm gonna go put these in my room" She said.
"Okay" Damiano said and put her down. I heard her tiny footsteps as she rushed to her room.

"Hi pretty" Damiano said once it was just the two of us. A charming smile spread on his lips as he reached me a bigger bouquet of peonies.
"Hi" I smiled. With the flowers in my hand I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I had longed for his lips all day.

My eyes fluttered open. It was dark in my bedroom. I sat up in the bed. I was so confused.
Slowly I snapped back to reality, it was the middle of the night.
It was so weird, it had felt so real.
"Liv? Are you okay?" Damiano groaned next to me. He was still half asleep.
"Yeah, yeah.." I said a little distant. "Just a weird dream" I said as I laid back down in the bed.
"Oh, okay" He said and wrapped his arm around me and placed a kiss on my forehead.
I was quiet for a moment before I decided to tell him about the dream.
"Damiano?" I said.
"I dreamt that we had a kid" I told him.
"Oh" He said surprised. "Really?"
"Yeahh" I said.
"Well what was her name?" He asked curiously.
"Well she didn't really have a-.. wait how did you know it was a girl?" I asked confused. How on earth could he know that?
"Hm" He said just as confused as me. "I don't know"

"I had the weirdest dream" I said to Victoria as we had dinner that night in our apartment. We had postmated salads and diet cokes, hers with a side of fries.
"Ooh tell me" She said as she took a big bite of her salad. I had so far only picked at mine.
"I dreamt that Damiano and I had a daughter" I told her.
"What?" She said surprised. "Like a newborn?"
"No she was about three or four" I said.
"Oh, well was it like a good or bad dream?" She asked me curiously.
"It was really good actually, she was absolutely adorable, she had little brown locks, and these gorgeous eyes, dark brown just like Damiano" I gushed about my imaginary daughter.
Vic looked at me with a confused yet fascinated face.
"Aww" She said.
"It felt so weird when I woke up though" I said. "It truly felt to real" I added.
"God I can't imagine" She said. "Did you tell Damiano?" She asked me.
"Yeah, he woke up when I woke up from the dream" I said. "It was the weirdest thing, I said I dreamt that we had a child, and he said what was her name? Isn't that so weird, I didn't even tell him it was a girl"
I saw her eyes widening as she listened to what I said.
"What? That's so weird" She said shocked.
"I know right" I agreed.
"Did you talk more about it?" She asked curious.
"No not really, he fell asleep again and then he left early this morning" I told her.
"Okay" She said as she ate. "It's really weird"
I was quiet for a moment. I still hadn't touched my food.

Always been you - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now