20 - strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you

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22:14 pm
"Will you please let me drive this time?" Damiano said as we were walking out of the restaurant.
"Sure, but you know it's also illegal to drive too slow" I teased him and walked towards the passenger seat.
"Here I am making an effort to treat you good and all you do is bully me" he said as he opened the door for me.
"You see it's a package deal, if you want me you'll have to accept my hilarious personality" I said when he had gotten into the driver seat.
"You know you're very lucky you're so pretty" he said and looked over at me before he started driving. I felt the butterflies in my entire body flying around like crazy but I tried to play it cool.
"You say that like my personality isn't a plus" I said acting offended.
"Well life's unfair doll, you can't have everything" He said to me. I noticed he wasn't driving back to the hotel, the opposite direction actually.
"You're one to talk about bullying" I answered him in a sarcastic tone.
"Even the sun has it's spots" He said sarcastically and pulled his hair out of his face.
"How humble of you" I answered with the same sarcastic tone.

"Do you want to know something?" He asked me in a more serious tone and let go of his gaze on the road to look over at me.
"What?" I asked him and looked back at him.
"They have Angelos' here" he said and smiled at me.
"No way!" I said to him excited.
"Ethan told me he had seen it earlier today" he said and looked back at the road.
Angelos gelato is an ice cream shop in Italy, on our very first date he had taken me there. I felt the same feeling I had felt that night. That late summer night 2015.

He pulled over the car and there it was, it looked just like the one back in Rome.
We stepped out of the car and walked in to the ice cream shop.
"Mint chocolate chip?" He asked me, he knew it was my favorite. In some ways he knew me best in the whole world but in other ways I felt like we were still 14, just getting to know each other for the very first time.
"Of course, strawberry for you?" I said to him, knowing that it was his favorite.
He ordered for both of us and the cashier handed the ice cream to us. We chose a booth over by the window, there was only a few other people in the shop. The walls were cream colored and the booths were in light pastel colors. On the walls there were painting and photos. It was a very charming place in its' simplicity.

"I've always loved this place" I said and took a bite of my ice cream.
"It brings back memories doesn't it?" He said, reminiscing that night six years ago.
"Can you believe we were 14?" I said to him and looked him in his coal brown eyes, filled to the brim with messy dark eyeliner.
"God we were just little babies" he said and we both laughed a little.
"What did you think of me that night?" I asked him.
"I was so nervous, I couldn't believe you had say yes when I asked you out" He admitted. I think I could see a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Well I couldn't believe you had asked me out" I said, I noticed myself uncontrollably smiling like a fool.
"As soon as I got home I called Victoria and told her every single detail" I admitted to him. I had talked to her for hours, telling her every little detail in my girly room filled with Avril Lavigne posters.
"I told my mom about you" he said, he wouldn't admit it if it would be the death of him, but deep down Damiano was a sweet little mamas boy.
"That night?" I asked him.
"Yeah" he answered, he wouldn't look me in the eyes, instead he was looking down at the table, fidgeting with his ice cream spoon.
Was he a little... embarrassed? He's absolutely adorable.
"That's very sweet of you" I said to him and smiled at him.

We finished up at the ice cream place and then got into the car once again. I assumed we were going back to the hotel but he seemed to have something else in mind. In stead of our usual hotel he drove us to a 5 star hotel, in the middle of the city. It was an old building but still felt modern. We entered the lobby, there was pretty ladies in ball gown dresses and gentlemen in suits. At least I'm not overdressed.
The ceiling was extremely high, there were statues and plants.
I held onto his arm as we walked towards the counter to get our key.
"Penthouse suite for mr. David, number 224" the cashier said and handed him the key.
"Thank you very much" he said before we started walking towards the elevator.
When it arrived at our floor I walked in before him, I stood by the back wall, watching him walk up to me. I was standing with my back against the little railing leading around the elevator. As we started going upwards he towered over me. He leaned his hands on the railing, with his face right above mine. We didn't say anything but our gaze at each other said more than a thousand words. The sexual tension was on the verge from being unbearable. It was almost hard to decide if I wanted this elevator ride to the over as quick as possible or if I wanted it to last forever.
He leaned down a little and whispered in my ear with his raspy voice.
"Voglio scoparti finché non puoi alzarti" I want to fuck you until you can't stand up.
His words in my ear send shivers down my entire body and a grin on my face. I wanted him so bad I almost couldn't take it anymore, I wanted, needed to touch him.
"How does that sound huh?" He whispered teasing me.
I just looked up at him and nodded with desire.
"Say it" he whispered. "I want to hear you say it" he continued seductively, those eyes could convince me to do anything.
"Damiano I-" I whispered, I was at lost for words. How does he expect me to function when he looks at me like that?
"What Olivia, what do you want?" He continued his teasing.
God he drives me absolutely crazy.
"I want you to fuck me Damiano" I said to him, he leaned even closer, I could feel his hot breath on my skin.
"And what makes you think you deserve that?" He then said looking at me with his eyes filled with desire, I didn't have the chance to answer him before we heard a ding sound as the elevator stopped at our floor, I was a little relieved, cause I had absolutely no idea of what to answer him.

Always been you - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now