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004'S EYES FLUTTERED OPEN. she didn't remember falling asleep, she expected to wake up in the lab again. but, the ceiling fan gave away that she was still away from the horror of the lab. she sat up, clothes laid on the extra bed, with a small note 'meet me at the school- a'  004 scrunched her eyebrow's together, who was 'a'. she figured it was 007, considering the bodyguard outside of her room.

it was a red jacket, a black shirt, and jeans. red was 004's favorite color, even if she had ice powers. the redhead smiled, lifting up the jacket realizing she was away from the lab. they would just put them into a hospital gown and she never could wear what she wanted too. 004 picked up a wallet, inside was a fake id- her name was now evelyn: the name 004 always liked since her nurse was named that. 

004 slipped on the clothes, opening up the apartment door to see a man standing there. she figured it was one of 007's friends, but she couldn't be so sure. 'evelyn' slipped on the shoes that were outside of her door, black converses. the air today was cool, there was a slight wind making the wind chimes hit together from her fellow neighbors. evelyn smiled at the leafs turning different colors, she never saw that happen. it was like a toddler learning how to do things, evelyn loved being outside of that horrendous lab. 

evelyn walked down the steps, seeing a bike ready for her. she shook her head, she never realized 007 would be this generous. she always had a cold heart in the lab, she tried her best to do her best- just so she would be favored. the bike seemed to fit her just right, a map was in the basket- a red circle around 'Hawkins High School.'

evelyn looked back, the man went into his room making her smirk- god 007 was so badass. she kicked the kickstand, pulling her hair back, then headed to the school she was supposed to go to her whole life. as she pedaled, a white van turned the corner, making her eyes go wide. she looked away, hoping they wouldn't see her. it in fact didn't, driving past evelyn making her look back with a smile on her face. 

abigail was sitting in her chemistry class, her head rested on her hand as she looked at the clock. she knew evelyn would be at the school around 11:20, and it was 11:11. she tapped her foot nervously, just hoping evelyn wouldn't get caught. if she did, abigail wouldn't really care, but she would feel bad... very bad. the bell rang, making abigail grab her books looking over at where jonathan was supposed to be sitting- he didnt show up two days in a row now. she ignored that feeling in her stomach, walking out of class, she could see the redhead pedal up the parking lot. "you made it," abigail joked, throwing her books into steves car as evelyn curtsied playfully. 

evelyn looked at 007, she looked so normal. different from  yesterday, jean shorts and an flannel with a black shirt underneath. her hair was pulled back into a braid bun, and her makeup was more... casual. she wished she looked like the brunette, she was gorgeous in her eyes- even all bloodied and bruised, 007 looked beautiful. evelyn blushed slightly as abigail opened up steves  trunk with a scoff, "stupid ass car," she mumbled as she pulled out a baseball bat and a small handgun. she shoved it into her jacket pocket, handing evelyn the baseball bat, "just in case."

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