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"THE WEEK IS LONG, THE SILVER CAT FEEDS, WHEN BLUE MEETS, YELLOW IN THE WEST," blinking in disbelief after just waking up from another nap, abigail stood there with a 'wtf' look on her face. she stood in between steve and robin, feeling completely squished when steve moved over to see better. "well, that sounds thrilling." abigail mumbled, fixing her shirt as she turned around.

steve agreed, "thats a waste of time." he grabbed abigail's flannel jacket, putting it on his arm like a mother as abigail checked the back hallway for any kids thinking they can sneak in the mall. she turned around, locking the door as robin sighed, running her hand through her hair. dustin, on the other hand was in disbelief. they walked out into the mall, steve pulling down the gate, "i mean, it just cant be right."

"its right," robin insisted as her and dustin began to walk. abigail waited for her boyfriend, who looked up at her under the led lights. he smiled slightly seeing how beautiful she was before she grabbed his hand, the two of them following the other two. 

"honestly, i think its great news," dustin stated.

"how is this great news?" he scoffed, rubbing his thumb along abigail's knuckles, "i mean, so much for being american heroes." he used his other hand to put the keys in his pocket, "its total nonsense, right abs? you agree with me on this?"

abigail looked at him, then at dustin and robin, "im just saying, its nonsense, but maybe thats the whole point steve." he sighed, leaning his head on her shoulder, "its probably a code." abigail ran her hand through his hair, the only person he allowed to touch the hair. 

dustin snapped his fingers, "thats what im saying! god, abby, youre so fucking smart." abigail smiled softly to herself, looking at steve proudly. the brunette boy rolled his eyes playfully as he handed abigail her flannel, making her tie it around her waist. "its like a super spy code."

abigail nodded, "its not like they're gonna say, yeah, lets blow up the capitol at noon, you know?" 

"thats a total stretch," steve argued making his girlfriend glare at him. 

"i dont know is it? your girlfriend seems pretty smart about this stuff," robin stated looking back at the brunette who tensed up. yeah, abigail knew a lot about this stuff because she experienced it. steve noticed her face drop a tiny bit, making him rub his finger along her knuckles once again. 

"youre buying into this?" steve asked.

"listen, just for kicks, lets entertain the possibility that it is a secret russian transmission," robin replied, "what do you think they're gonna say, just like abby said, 'fire the warhead at noon?"


"and my translation is correct. i know that for sure, so. the silver cat feeds, why would anyone talk like that unless they are trying to mask their meaning of their message." robin and abigail nodded at each other, both sending steve a look making him roll his eyes. "why would anyone mask their true meaning of their message unless the message was somehow sensitive?"

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