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HOUSE OF HORRORS▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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STEPPING OUT OF THE WHEELER CAR, abigail and samantha glanced at each other. they stood in front of the 'creel' house, which was definitely something. it hadn't been touched in years, boards covered the windows and front door. the lawn wasnt mowed, sticks and leaves covered the ground. even if it hadn't been touched and no one was in the house, abigail swore she could've felt someone or something in that home. the gang stood on the concrete steps that led up to the house, abigail was behind max and samantha stood next to robin. lucas stood next to abigail as they looked at the house, "i think its livable." samantha joked to herself making abigail roll her eyes with a small giggle.

"yeah," steve stated from behind abigail, "thats not creepy."

they walked up to the front door, steve peeling off the wooden boards with his hammer from the wheeler house. "what exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shithole?" abigail asked, taking another hammer and peeling off the nail. when no one answered, the brunette looked back at the group. nancy walked up to them, dropping another bag next to samantha's feet.

"we're not sure. we just know this house is important to vecna," nancy replied and abigail pulled off a nail, letting it drop to the ground. 

"because max saw it in vecna's red whatever vision?" abigail asked, turning to look at max who was staying quiet. the brunette sighed, not wanting to cause a scene, "sorry, just tired." steve looked at her, his eyes saying something his mouth wasnt. he looked sad, like he just wanted to wrap his arms around her fragile body and make sure it doesnt break. he missed her. he missed her stupid random kisses on his cheek, or cheeky comments that always made steve blush after years of dating her. steve felt useless, she didnt let anyone in. she was slowly dying, but still made it about max.

"maybe it holds a clue to where vecna is," dustin stated, knocking steve out of his thoughts making him look back at the wooden board. "why hes back, why he killed the creels? and how to stop him before he comes after abby and max." 

"we dont think hes in here, do we?" lucas asked, standing next to max. 

"guess we'll find out."

steve looked at abigail after he got the last nail, "ready?" he asked, making her soft eyes look into his. god, if steve wasnt in front of the kids he would've dropped to his knees and begged her to come back. he would've done anything, hell- he will do anything to get his abigail back. abigail nodded, a small smile forming on her lips before turning back to the board. they let it drop, standing out of the way. steve rattled the door handle, it was locked (obviously) "its locked." he smiled to himself, "should i knock? see if anyones home?"

abigail let out a smile, chuckling softly, "i highly doubt vecna would answer steve." samantha and robin looked at each other, realizing abigail's bitchy attitude from yesterday was gone... well whenever she talked to steve that was. samantha looked at how abigail still looked at steve, like she knew he was the one for her. it was like how evelyn used to look at nancy, like she was the only one in the room. the star to her moon. samantha looked at robin the same way, its just robin never noticed. "but no need." abigail smirked, "you've got a human lock."

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