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THE WAR ZONE WAS THE TARGET. the thing was, the gang needed a vehicle that could drive them all there. all they had was four bikes, four bikes that definitely couldnt carry them all to the store. so here they were, outside of eddie's trailer as he wore a micheal myers mask. abigail complained, saying that she could just mind control them into giving the group the auto-trailer (or whatever you called them). but no one listened to her.

eddie waved at them to follow him, making the group all run out in the open: not being sneaky at all. abigail suddenly stopped, her mom, bryan. they were all at home, waiting for abigail to step through the door after not being there in days. she needed to say goodbye, she had to say goodbye, even if it wasnt forever. abigail looked at the group before turning around, running back towards the bikes. steve noticed right away abigail was missing, but she spoke in his mind 'ill be back, i promise'

abigail rode dustin's bike to her home, which looked depressing. the flowers hadn't been watered in a while, the curtains were shut. the grass wasnt mowed, weeds stuck out of it. abigail dropped the bike, looking at her home with sadden eyes. she realized that it was just 3 months since they found abigail's father dead on the side of the road. a gunshot wound to the back of his skull. today was the anniversary, which abigail completely forgot about. even if her father was an asshole, julie still loved him more than anything. after all, she believed they were once soulmates before abigail was taken to the lab.

the brunette walked up the porch steps, taking a deep breath as she stuck her hands in her jacket pockets. she grabbed a keychain that she was going to give bryan, and a letter for her mother. abigail knocked on the door, hearing someone yell, 'coming!' as they rushed from the kitchen. the door opened, revealing julie summers holding a bowl full of something. "abby!" julie exclaimed, smiling suddenly seeing her daughter was alive. "where the hell were you?"

abigail shrugged, stepping in her darkened home. "i needed some space." she replied before bryan came running down the stairs, smiling widely as he held a piece of paper. "hey buddy!" she picked up her brother, hugging him softly like it was going to be the last.

"for you." bryan stated, giving her a paper. it was a drawing (or what looked like a drawing) of bryan and abigail holding hands. he tried to write 'abby and me!' but it looked like scribbles. abigail felt tears flood to her eyes, hugging her brother again as one slipped out of her right eyes. "do you like it?" bryan innocently asked.

"i love it." 

julie walked back into the kitchen, "how long are you staying? im just making dinner!" she called out as bryan ran into the living room, giggling knowing his big sister was home. abigail stood there, a regretful look on her face as she folded the paper and placed it in her pocket. "abby?"

abigail swallowed, "not for long, steve and i have plans."

julie smiled, "i love you too together, it reminds me of my best friend in college. her boyfriend and her were the cutest things!" abigail nodded, remembering that she didnt tell her mother that her and steve broke up just days ago. 

abigail coughed, "yeah... how's bryan's arm?"

julie nodded, shaking her head as she sighed, "he says its okay and the surgery went well, the doctor said. hes already healing somehow, but im not gonna complain. we just got home yesterday morning." abigail nodded, slipping on the bar stool next to the counter. her hands tapped nervously on the counter, julie not noticing as the phone rang. "give me a second, its probably his pediatrician."

bryan walked into the room, sitting next to his sister. "i've missed you abby!" he said, giving her the puppy dog eyes. abigail nodded, looking away as she tried to hide back the tears. "what's in your hand?"

abigail looked at the keychain, "oh! its a present." she handed him the keychain, putting it in his palm before closing his fingers overtop of it. "i got it from the police chief two years ago, he says its good luck." abigail remembered that night clearly, she was walking home in the rain and hopper let her sit in the passenger seat. he gave her the keychain saying his daughter used to wear it on her book bag, and how she believed it was good luck. bryan nodded, his eyes wide as he looked at it. "now, i trust you not to loose it... okay?" her voice cracked as bryan smiled, grabbing abigail's hand and pulling her to his room.

bryan lifted up his book bag, "can you-" abigail nodded, sitting on his bed as she put the small book bag on her lap. she slid the keychain on the bag, a tear falling down her face as bryan clapped excitedly, "thank you sissy!" 

abigail wiped the tears falling down her face, "anytime bry."

she went back to the kitchen, julie was chopping lettuce on the counter. "hey sweetie, what's wrong?" abigail shook her head, tears falling down her face as julie stopped walking over to her. she wrapped her arms around the brunette, "dont cry honey, what's going on?" abigail slipped the letter in her pocket as julie placed her hands on abigail's cheeks. "did something happen?"

abigail shook her head, "i just missed you guys, thats all."

julie gave her a smile, she pressed a kiss to abigail's forehead, "ive missed you too. when's your plans with steve?" abigail looked at the time, her heart dropping. its been two hours since she left? they were supposed to meet at sundown, which was in thirty minutes. "soon im guessing, i can tell by your face."

abigail fake laughed, her heart hurting, "yeah, im sorry."

julie shook her head, putting a finger to her daughters lips, "no need to be sorry. you deserve to be happy." abigail nodded, looking away at the drawings on the fridge. pictures and polaroids also were stuck on the fridge making abigail walk over to it. she grabbed the photo of her, julie, and bryan at the beach after the star court mall incident. abigail stuck it in her pocket before looking at julie, "be safe sweetie."

abigail nodded, hugging her mother quickly. she held back her sobs as julie gave her a smile, "i love you mom." abigail choked out.

"i love you too."

abigail turned her back, looking at bryan who stood behind her. she wrapped her arms around him, julie right after as she wrapped her arms around her children. abigail wanted to stay, she wanted to tell her mother everything. but, she couldnt. she needed to leave as soon as she could so they wouldn't see her break down.  "goodbye." abigail whispered before walking out the front door. 

a trailer pulled up, making abigail shake her head as steve opened the door. he watched as she walked up to the door, wrapping her arms around the boy as she sobbed. steve held her, shutting the door as samantha watched, driving obviously. steve let abigail sit down with him, her head buried into his neck. "i'm sorry." she whispered, knowing that this could be the end.

then they were off.


 me being lazy and not writing the field scene or the store scene? so instead you got abigail's family moment considering it COULD be the last <3
abigail and steve goodbye kiss next chapter? i think maybe? heheh.
sorry for the shorter chapter, i wanted the family stuff to just be in one and then move onto the drama in the next.

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