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SITTING ON THE ROOF OF STARCOURT MALL, abigail was less than thrilled. erica was crawling inside the vents, getting closer and closer to the secret room. she sat between steve and robin, playing with her bracelets nervously. she hated the sinclair girl, but she really didnt need another childs death on her hands. steve leaned his head on abigail's shoulder as she looked at robin, the two of them waiting for erica to speak.

after what seemed like hours, but really it was three minutes, ericas voice went through the walkie talkie, "all right nerds. im there." steve picked his head up from abigail's shoulder as they leaned on the concrete in front of them.

"do- do you see anything?" robin asked.

"yeah, i see those boring boxes you're all so excited about," erica replied.

"any guards?"


"booby traps?" abigail asked, referring to earlier.

"if i could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps wouldn't they?" erica snapped back making abigail hold back a snap towards the girl. she rolled her eyes, scratching her nose slightly.

"thank you for that erica, really appreciate it." abigail spoke, "now i actually hope there's a booby trap," she mumbled under breath making the three next to her look at her. abigail gave them an innocent smile before looking back at the door.

"i'm in," erica confidently said.

"oh god," steve whispered, placing his hands over his face. he ran them through his hair before reaching down to grab abigail's. she grabbed it back, running her thumb along his knuckles to calm both of them down. the door opened, revealing erica walking out of it. abigail nodded, she was impressed. 

"free ice cream," she placed a hand on her hip, "for life."

abigail stood up, the other three following quickly. they ran down the stairs into the mall, which was closed and empty- as far as they knew. abigail opened the doors to the fresh air, it hitting her face quickly as erica stood there, "see, easy." abigail told the girl making erica scoff, "ah, no buts, easy."

they all got in the room, the door shutting behind them. they looked at the boxes, abigail pulling out a pocket knife from her jean pocket. she handed it to steve as soon as he opened his mouth to ask for it. steve cut open a box, handing the knife back to his girlfriend, who stood next to him ready to see whatever the russians were hiding. she put it back in her pocket, knowing it will be useful later. steve opened the box to reveal a metal crate, "that looks promising." abigail muttered under her breath, scratching her nose. 

steve turned the handle after looking at the group, the air hissed as he lifted the lid off of the crate. everyone quickly looked in, only to see four more handles.  "thats definitely not chinese food," steve stated looking at his girlfriend with his eyebrows creased.  steve reached down before looking at the group, "uh you guys should, you know, stand back."

FOREVER WINTER| steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now