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"WHAT THE HELL HOPPER!?" abigail yelled after hopper shut the cabin door. she wasn't upset, hell, she was furious. yes, hopper had to keep 011 safe and sound away from the lab. but he didnt tell her? her own sister?! the brunette forgot everything about being sent back, but she was pissed. why? how? how was 011 alive? mike told her 011 was gone, dead, not alive! "she's my sister!"

hopper stood there looking at the angry brunette, he nodded, "i have to keep both of you safe, and you not knowing would keep you-" he pointed at abigail, "safe!" abigail shook her head, a chuckle escaped her lips as she rolled her eyes. she wanted to slap him, hell, abigail never felt this angry over someone... well someone out in the real world. 

"safe!" abigail shrieked, "me? i cant believe you right now!" abigail shook her head, "she's my sister! always will be! i thought she was dead, i lost another sibling because i couldn't protect them!" abigail shut her eyes as she turned away, "why couldn't you just tell me? or let me know she was okay?"

hopper put a hand on her shoulder, "because, if they took you- they want eleven, they would hurt you until they killed you abigail. torture you until you told them where she was. if you had no idea..." abigail turned around to look at him, "i promise you, im keeping her safe. i'll keep you safe. the both of you."

abigail nodded, "fine." 

hopper left to go to joyce for will, something was up with the boy- hopper wouldn't tell abigail what. she figured he had no idea, so she didnt question it. abigail walked in the cabin to see 011 starting to clean up the mess, "what happened?" abigail asked, grabbing a broom looking around the home. 011 shrugged, "a freak out?" 011 nodded, "yeah, i get those."

the two giggled as 011 looked down at the floor. she lifted up the wooden board making abigail walk over by her, the younger girl sticking her head down in the crawlspace... or whatever hopper wanted to call it. 011 gave abigail the flashlight before reaching for a box, a box that had 'hawkins lab' written on it.  abigail grabbed a folder, sitting down next to 011 as they looked at each other, "well, im not hopper. i wanna know."

011 smiled before reaching in the box. abigail flipped open a folder, her eyes going wide. it was about her father and brenner. she tilted her head as 011 began throwing papers around, looking for something. abigail ignored her, looking at the words. 'summers and brenner shaking hands over a new deal' a caption wrote. she felt tears go to her eyes, this photo was taken right after he left abigail. 

minutes turned into hours of the two siblings looking through papers and articles written about the lab. abigail was sprawled on the couch, she laid on her stomach, kicking her legs back and forth as she read. "ives, terry." 011 whispered before looking at the tv. she got up, grabbing a radio making abigail look down at her.

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