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ABIGAIL DIDN'T REMEMBER WHEN SHE WOKE UP, but she was fully awake. she didnt remember what happened after chris took off his shirt, but abby knew what happened. she just knew. "she's awake." freddy summers stated from his seat across the room. "your boyfriend still isn't... dont worry, we're getting him the best doctor."

abigail shot up, realizing she was free to do anything she wants. "what did you do to him?!" she yelled, stepping close to her father- who didnt even flinch. "what did you do?!" she screamed before the guards dragged her back into her seat. abigail clenched her fists, her heart pounding. "let them go, keep me."

freddy laughed, "acting so strong now? we can kill them whenever we want, but instead we want you..." abigail looked up, "lets go."

abigail was being dragged down a hallway, she didn't fight. the doors opened to reveal steve and robin, both awake and tied to a chair. the brunette quickly looked at steve, who had blood all over his face. the brunette was let go, "what the hell?" she yelled to freddy, to crossed his arms. she clenched her fists, "you are a sick motherfucker." abigail gritted through her teeth before looking at steve, "steve."

the brunette went over to her boyfriend, pressing her hands to his cheeks. "did they hurt you?" he whispered, defeated seeing red marks on her neck. abigail shook her head, lying clearly, "abs."

freddy grabbed his daughter by the hair, pulling her away. abigail rolled her eyes, "what did i tell you?" freddy yelled making abigail cross her arms.

"actually nothing, you just dragged me here." abigail replied, crossing her arms. freddy rolled his eyes, the doors opening to reveal chris again. "seriously, this is getting goddamn old." chris smiled at her wickedly making abigail walk up to him, "guess what asshole! sooner or later your dick won't want anyone goddamn sex if you keep this up. probably will stay soft for the rest of your miserable life."

chris raised an eyebrow, "is that so?"

abigail scoffed, she stepped closer to his face, "you may have the better powers, but i can turn your brain into mush with a snap of my fingers."

"then why dont you?"

abigail raised an eyebrow, a smirk on her face. "i mean, you insisted." freddy grabbed her, pulling her away from chris. "let them go! take me, seriously!"

freddy summers looked at his daughter with pain in his eyes. he looked back at steve and robin, the two of them watching closely. "say goodbye, we're leaving." he stated making abigail sigh in defeat. she knew he was about to help her, something was stopping him- a certain someone. abigail turned to look at chris, who leaned against the wall with a smug look on his face. abigail walked over to steve, bending down.

FOREVER WINTER| steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now