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GETTING INTO NANCY'S CAR, abigail realized that there was barely enough room. el, mike, abigail, samantha, and evelyn would be in the back. if that wasnt dangerous, she didnt know what was. they got eleven into the trunk, abigail sitting by the window as nancy tried to turn on the car. it wouldn't start making evelyn and abigail look at each other with 'wtf' faces. "didnt your mom just buy this car?" lucas asked.

"yes. im sure its fine!" nancy exclaimed.

"did you leave the lights on?"


"do we have gas?"

"yes!" nancy screamed back at them before trying the keys again. at this rate, they all might die by nancy blowing up the car. "come on!" jonathan quickly stopped her from the passenger seat, the two of them getting out of the car. all of a sudden an engine roared from the end of the parking lot. abigail went wide eyed, billy. "back in the mall!" nancy yelled as abigail groaned. she grabbed eleven, carrying her back into starcourt.

"go, go, go!" everyone yelled as they ran into the doors. abigail almost tripped as they ran down the escalators. she tried to contact steve, but she couldnt connect to his mind. after setting down eleven, max and mike came over by her. mike grabbed his walkie-talkie, "scoops troop, do you copy. we're trapped in the mall and in need of emergency transportation." 

abigail stood next to lucas, who pulled back his slingshot aiming at something. abigail moved over by samantha, who paced back and forth nervously. her hand shook from blood damage from her upper arm. it was wrapped by a bandage, but blood was still seeping through. the gang moved to the car after jonathan told them they needed the ignition cable. abigail hopped over the counter, placing her hands on the red car. she began to push with the group, the car not moving at all. abigail looked at nancy next to her, she placed her right foot up like the wheeler girl pushing even harder.

"let me try," eleven stated from in front of the group. will and samantha was next to her watching the group. she stepped forward, sighed, "i can do it." the group all gathered behind her, abigail placing a hand on her shoulder for comfort. eleven raised her hand, metal scratching sounds filled the air. she yelled suddenly, the car not moving.

eleven tried again making abigail and evelyn walk up to her. "el, el, hey. its okay." evelyn stated making eleven look at the two older girls. the redhead looked at abigail, who looked at the car. she began to think, if they couldnt push it, something else could. abigail walked over to the metal stands that used to surround the car so no one would get past. "what are you doing?"

abigail grabbed one, "everyone, grab one. i have an idea."

they all gathered one, getting behind the car. "all right now, all the way." abigail told the group as they all put the metal on the car. "three, two, one. push." they all pushed, the car fell over quickly. "god, im smart." she whispered hopping down as she went to the hatch under the steering wheel so jonathan and nancy could open the hatch.

abigail looked over at will, who put his hand to the back of his neck. all of a sudden abigail's heart dropped, she heard rumbling in the distance. samantha looked at her friends, who all went wide eyed. it was on the glass roof, one step closer to them all. the footsteps pounded, echoing through the mall. abigail ran by mike, max, and eleven, pulling them behind her as they all looked above them. "run." she whispered just as mike turned away, grabbing eleven. abigail grabbed max as she followed the two lovers. 

the glass shattered as soon as abigail stepped on the stairs. she stopped looking at the monster, her eyes wide. abigail hid behind a small shop with the other three. she signaled for them to keep quiet hearing dustin's voice over the walkie talkie. abigail could feel it getting closer and closer, closer and closer to her death. it snarled, she knew it was right by the gap. it roared making eleven grab her sisters hand. the mind flayer was right by their stand making abigail shut her eyes. it walked away as abigail looked at her bracelet, she thought of steve- who was probably worried shitless and thought 'why the hell did i leave her?'. 

"its turned away, if we go up the stairs now, we'll make it," mike told the group. 

abigail shook her head, "not with her leg."

"there's another way to get out, through the gap." eleven told the group. 

abigail looked at the three, "i distract, you three run in there. got it?" she whispered making max open her mouth to protest, "no butts, i'll distract." abigail got up, snuck over by the stairs. she shut her eyes, "sorry, steve." she whispered. abigail raised her hand, a glare on her face as blood ran down from her nose. "hey shitbird!" she screamed making the mind flayer turn around. abigail stopped it quickly with a grunt, pushing it backwards before something grabbed her leg. abigail went wide eyed as she screamed, reaching for the escalator. all of a sudden it dropped her, lucas shot a balloon with his slingshot. 

for the split second it was distracted, abigail screamed making the arm break in half. she scrambled up the stairs, holding her leg in pain. the others were on her trail as they ran out of the mall. jonathan held the cable in his hands tightly. as billy car revs, abigail looked at nancy who cocked her gun. she stood in front of the car as jonathan tried to start the car. billy's tired screeched as abigail went wide eyed, she stood next to nancy who began to shoot. billy got closer and closer, abigail turned in fear. she grabbed nancy as they both screamed in fear, waiting to be crushed by billy. just then a white car came out of nowhere, striking billy pushing him away.

billy's car lit on fire as abigail winced in pain, she looked at her leg. it was bleeding, ooze ran from it. "shit," she whispered as the creature roared- making its way on the roof. abigail got in the back of the car, realizing max, mike, and eleven were still inside. "get in!" she screamed at steve and robin. steve shut the door behind him, turning to look at his girlfriend who looked like a wreck. she grabbed her leg, wrapping something around it. 

steve sat next to his girlfriend, "here, abs, stop." steve grabbed the bandage as abigail held back tears. steve wrapped the bandage around the injury, wincing at how bad at it was. "are you okay?"

"define okay."

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