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(TW: death)


MAX MAYFIELD ACCEPTED SHE WAS GOING TO DIE. she accepted the fact that her big sister would leave her to die, so she could get her happy ending with steve. max and abigail had a plan, one that max stuck too but abigail decided she didnt want too. max awoke from the vision, immediately yelling "no!" lucas and jason looked at max as she shook abigail, who now stood with white glossed over eyes. "no! no! no!" suddenly everything happened to quickly, max looked to see the tape of abigail's favorite song was smashed against the floor, making sure no one could use it. "abby!" max cried, trying to shake her awake. "dont do this! dont do this!" jason began fighting lucas, max cried to try and get abigail awake. everything was going to shit.

 abigail opened her eyes to see vecna walking over to her. "try to be very still." he stated, his hand moving up slowly, "it'll be over soon." abigail shook her head, cries escaping her mouth as she looked up at his claws.

"no." she cried, shutting them. 

max watched as abigail began floating in the air, cries escaping her mouth as lucas and jason fought. suddenly lucas and jason looked at the floating girl, lucas yelling, "abby!" as max's mouth just dropped in sadness and fear. she grabbed abigail's book bag, she tried to find different tapes... hoping abigail would have another of her favorite song. all the tapes in abigail's bag were ruined, broken in half. 

abigail knew this was the end. her life flashed before her eyes. all the happy memories she had, ran through her racing mind. she thought of steve, who will be devastated to find out she was dead. her mother would be broken, another person in her life would be dead. bryan wouldn't have any idea, he would ask and ask were did his big sister go. abigail couldnt stop her thoughts, especially when the claws of vecna hit her face. 

steve, oh steve.

their first kiss ran through her mind, their first official date. the first time they did it. abigail couldnt stop the thoughts of steve. he was her savior. he saved her when no one else could, not even herself. god, abigail felt so stupid. she didnt get an official goodbye, she said 'i always do' to his stupid comment. she wouldn't be coming back, she wouldn't get another kiss, another hug. maybe it was for the best she died this way, it would be quick and easy. there was barely any pain for the pain she caused. it wasnt the first time this happened, but she knew it would be the last. 

abigail had enough time to send one last goodbye to steve. it was quick, her thoughts were slowly turning to mush. 'i'm sorry.' abigail whispered in his mind, hoping he would hear the goodbye that no one wanted to hear. another strike of vecna's claws, another bone break. this was it, her last thoughts. her last breaths. her last everything. it was such a stupid way to die, but abigail knew that she saved max. thats all she cared about. saving the redhead after a promise. abigail never opened her eyes, she didnt want her last thing before she died was to be vecna. she wanted it to be her soulmate, her lover, the one who never gave up on her. 

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