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abigail ignored samantha and steves cries, walking into her home with a slam of the door. her family wasnt home, they went away for a few days since bryan had surgery on something in his arm. the brunette ran up her steps, hearing steve follow her. she opened her bedroom door, turning around to look at steve, "i think we need to break up." she spoke calmly, her eyes filled with tears.

steve stopped, his mouth dropped before reaching for her, "abs, stop. please. talk to me." abigail shook her head, tears running down her face. "abby, we aren't breaking up. i cant leave you." abigail shook her head, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "abs."

"im sorry." she looked at him, "you should go." 

abigail shut the door, sliding down it slowly. tears poured out her eyes as she began to sob. steve stood outside of her door, tears running down his face. he went to knock, tell her everything will be okay, he'll be okay.  but he turned away, walking down the stairs leaving alone the girl that clearly needed someone. abigail sniffled as she sobbed, all the memories running through her mind. 

she couldn't put him in more danger. obviously whatever the vecna thing is, wanted her and her only. abigail knew by dating steve, that would cause it to go after him. just like he said. it got into her head, like people always did. abigail wanted to go stop steve, say she's sorry, she's protecting him. but her heart couldnt take it.

"what the hell happened?" samantha asked, abigail could hear them outside her window that was opened slightly. "she broke up with you?" abigail let out another sob, running her hands along her face as she got up. her legs took her to her bed, laying down and hugging her pillow. 'go back'. 'save him' 'he'll die' 'protect him' 'youre so stupid'

abigail shut her eyes, blocking out all the voices that was hers. she was stupid, she was stupid enough to bring steve into her life. she was stupid to even come back to hawkins, let steve find someone new while she was gone. like tanner used to say 'long distance never works' and abigail started to believe him. one day they would break up, it was in their destiny.  abigail didnt deserve love, how come steve even wanted to be with her? she was a broken little girl that is a monster. 

she didnt deserve love, in fact abigail deserved nothing. everything she does, something bad happens in return. now, vecna was running around town killing teens and what could abigail do? nothing. she would sit and watch as they floated in the air, taking their last final breaths before vecna took them away as quick as they went into the vision. whose next? steve? samantha? max? abigail couldnt watch them die, she couldnt watch anyone else die. she lost everyone she loved because of abigail being afraid.

the car outside drove off, leaving abigail. "steve, seriously. what did she even say?" samantha asked from the drivers side, seeing that steve stared outside the window. he watched as the love of his life's house went away from his sight. steve couldn't feel anything, he just wanted to scream, cry- he didnt know what to do. but what he wanted to do was turn around, bang on her door and just hold her. 

FOREVER WINTER| steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now