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HALLOWEEN WAS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. kids were all on the streets, running around in the fall leafs while their parents would try and find costumes. for abigail summers, she never celebrated halloween, even when she was a kid. yes, she would be happy to get candy and run around in a dumb costume- but she never really cared for the holiday like some people do. she never watched the horror movies, she never went a haunted house, she didn't do anything besides eat candy and lay in her room practicing her powers.

evelyn wanted to celebrate halloween, however. she was practically born in that lab, she didn't know anything about the outside world. so, halloween was a huge excitement to her. evelyn decided she would dress up as a fairy, just because that was the first thing she ever watched in the lab... some fairy cartoon show. she tried on every dress she could find, every pair of wings, and heels. she got inspiration from a magazine that was at the doctors office. evelyn knew teens her age didn't like dressing up, but evelyn was more than thrilled. she rented a bunch of horror movies, bought loads of candy, even if she was going trick or treat, and was just ready to have a fantastic halloween.

bryan's birthday was also the day before halloween, he was turning 3. he could form words, but it was mostly gibberish. julie was dressing him up as a dog, a spotted dog. the summers family hadn't heard from freddy in almost a year, and they were all happy with that. he came back one day, took his stuff, and now was gone- hopefully dead. "abby, where did you put bryan's tractor?" julie stressed, running her hands through her hair as she walked into the living room. abigail, who was doing her homework, looked up and pointed to the top cabinet.

julie sighed in relief as bryan ran in the room, falling onto the couch as he giggled. abigail smiled at him, booping his nose before looking back at her math homework. she had only till may, then she would be leaving hawkins high for good, a graduate, hopefully heading to michigan for her college. she wanted to study criminal justice, or something like that, the justice system type shit. her grades were all A's, she already had her community hours in, so if she just applied... michigan would most likely accept her. "oh mom," abigail started, shutting her math book as she laid back, "is it okay if i go over to nancy's tonight? i have to help her pick a costume she can do with steve."

julie nodded, "curfew."

abigail smirked, "of course."

the brunette shoved her homework in her backpack, zipping it up when the doorbell rang. julie went to the door as abigail looked at the clock. it was currently 11 in the morning, who would be knocking at their door? abigail stood up, walking around the corner to see the doctor, chris, who decided to hurt abigail at such a young age. "oh chris!" julie exclaimed with a smile, not knowing the dark secrets behind that smile. abigail clenched her fist, "abigail you know chris right? the photographer for your schools paper!"

FOREVER WINTER| steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now