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ABIGAIL DIDNT REMEMBER WHEN SHE FELL ASLEEP ON STEVES SHOULDER, they let the two kids sleep as they developed a plan. abigail knew steve wouldn't go to sleep, he wanted to make sure she was in his sight for the rest of the night. so, she rested her head on his shoulder as he ran his hand up and down her thigh to calm him and her. the next thing she knew she was awakening to dustin yelling above her into his walkie talkie, steve sighed standing up as abigail lifted her head up. "god, hes so loud," abigail mumbled, leaning her head against the wall behind her.

"can you redirect your stream please?" robin yelled from next to abigail. the brunette grabbed robin's hand as she helped up the brunette, looking away with a small smile on her face. "ugh, how are you dating him?"

abigail shrugged, "i dont know."

banging filled the room making robin and abigail look back at erica, who was banging the green ooze canister against a metal crate. something told abigail that wasnt drinkable, but she just watched in amusement, a small smirk on her face as she crossed her arms. robin was the opposite, "hey, hey be careful!" she yelled, grabbing the green canister out of erica's hands. "we dont even know what that is!"

"exactly, it could be useful," erica argued back. abigail shook her head, yeah, useful to getting rid of her guts. 

"useful how?" robin asked.

"we can survive down here a long time without food, but if the human body doesnt get water, it will die," erica explained as abigail giggled from behind robin. she would agree with the sinclair girl, but the issue was- it definitely wasnt water.

"i hate to break it to you, but this isn't water," robin mentioned, leaning in.

"no, but its a liquid, and if it comes down to me drinking that shit or dying of thirst, i drink," she smiled at robin, who looked back at abigail with a 'wtf' look on her face. abigail shrugged, leaning against the wall behind her. erica grabbed the 'liquid' as abigail and robin turned towards the large door. there was machine buzzing, making robin put her head against the door- it grew closer and closer.

abigail could hear their thoughts, "oh shit." she mumbled grabbing erica as robin looked at her. abigail climbed up to the roof of the elevator, "boys, we got company." abigail stated, her voice suddenly raspy.  the three girls got onto the elevator roof, abigail next to steve as she pulled out her pocket knife. steve went wide eyed, grabbing the knife making the brunette flip him off.

the door opened below them. steve looked down through what abigail tried to call windows. steve looked at the group, placing a finger to his lips- even though they were being quiet already.  steve looked erica, then at the green ooze she was holding. the russians began to drive away, leaving the door closing slowly. steve grabbed the canister, jumped down and placed it under the door. "lets go!" he exclaimed, shoving erica's bag under the door "go, go, go!" he told erica, who slid underneath first. "henderson!"

FOREVER WINTER| steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now