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"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" a kid shook abigail violently, causing her eyes to open quickly. she immediately shoved the kid back in defense, a gasp leaving her mouth. she covered in demogorgan guts, she looked like she killed a whole town. abigail breathed heavily, "what the fuck was that? how did you do that? i thought you could just control minds?!" dustin screeched as max smiled.

"that was so badass," max whispered. abigail stood up, mumbling words to herself as she opened her backpack. she ignored the questions from everyone, including steve who was freaking out. she zipped open her bag, grabbing the pills that a doctor gave her to calm her stress and powers. everyones thoughts went through her mind, she could barely tell what one were hers. she opened the pill bottle, grabbing ten pills and swallowing them.

steve grabbed her arms, "abs what the fuck was that?"

abigail gave him a half smile, "perks of growing up in a 'boarding school'" she joked. she opened the bus door, "we need to get going, like now." steve just watched as she looked back at him, a smile on her face as he just stared at her. the kids all mumbled, 'i love her' and 'she's so cool' as they began to follow her. "you coming harrington?" abigail called out.

the five of them began to walk back on the railroad tracks. abigail could feel steves eyes on hers, she figured that he would've found out one day. she pressed her lips together, she never knew she could do that. she knew she could do that to humans, expand their brain so it just makes them explode, but she never knew she could do that to... demo dogs. "youre positive that was dart?" lucas asked, "and abigail didnt explode his brains?"

"yes and yes. he had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt and i watched him runaway," dustin replied, remembering the ones abigail exploded with her mind. needless to say, dustin thought abigail looked like carrie. blood was all over her body, it looked like she killed a lot of people. she limped, her leg hurting like absolute shit. abigail looked badass though, she was just like  carrie/ professor x. 

"he was tiny two days ago, "abigail heard max say. she turned to look at the redhead, the two of them sharing a smile. max couldn't believe her eyes, she heard about 011 but lucas never said anything about abigail- but max thought abigail was the coolest person ever. she could explode things with her mind! how wouldn't that be cool!?

"well hes molted three times already," dustin replied before looking at abigail, "do you have any idea why?" she shook her head, scrunching her nose as she began to think back at the lab. they always talked about the creatures in the upside down, but by the time she could even listen they would drag her away. she barely knew what was in the upside down, she knew the dog things were, the demogorgan... she heard something about bats also. "he shed his skin to make room for growth, like hornworms."

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