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THE LAB(TW| gore)

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(TW| gore)


SHE REMEMBERED WALKING IN THE LAB, her hand held by her father. she was only 7, she didn't know better. she thought they would help her with her headaches, thats what her father told her. her mother was crying when they drove away, abigail didn't know why, but she didn't question it. the lab looked like a big hospital to her, she hoped that the headaches would go away- they would help her.

her father opened the door, scanning his keycard, making abigail raise an eyebrow. if it was a hospital, why would you need a keycard? she noticed a bunch of doctors waiting for her, making her heart skip a beat. she tried to pull away from her father, but he pulled her towards the doctors, "daddy, im okay now," she tried to say, her breath slowing seeing a old man looking at her. he smiled as her father stopped walking, "i wanna go home."

"i know sweetie," her father replied before the doctor pulled out a syringe, "its gonna be okay." abigail went wide, pulling away from her father before she ran towards the door. she opened it, running towards the cop pulling in. she ran to his car, waving her arms as she cried, what were they going to do to her?

"help!" abigail cried, as the cop got out of his car. he looked at the young girl with a skeptical look on his face. he looked at the young girl's father running after her, making her cry even more. "they're gonna hurt me!"

the cop sighed, "kid, its gonna be okay."

abigail screamed, "no! no! no!"

her little heart has never pounded this much in her life. she couldn't breath, her lungs felt useless. everything seemed to spin as her father picked her up, her last hope shaking his head getting back into the car. she tried to scream, but nothing came out. a million thoughts ran through her head, including 'they're gonna kill you'. she watched as the cop drove away, ignoring the crying of the seven year old girl. she wanted her mother back, she wanted to go home, she should've never told her parents about the headaches.

abigail was back in the 'hospital', her back was pressed up against a bed. the doctors all looked down at the crying girl, who was looking at her father. as soon as he set the pen down after signing a contract, she was being pulled away from the brunette man, who she cowardly called father. the big metal doors shut behind them, making her father disappear from her sight. abigail wanted to scream in frustration, she wanted to go back home and sleep with her dog, watching some romantic movie with her mother.

abigail was pulled into a medical room, where the doctors pulled out a mask. abigail gave up, her face went blank realizing her father betrayed her. he left her. after everything he promised to her when she was younger, it was all a lie. he wasnt protecting her, he was about to make her life a living hell. as soon as the mask went down over her mouth and nose, she shut her eyes falling into a deep sleep.

FOREVER WINTER| steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now