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STANDING NEXT TO EVELYN, nancy and jonathan walked up to me. "lets finish what we started." nancy told the two before looking at abigail, "can you walk?" abigail nodded, pulling out her gun before spinning it around. the four teens got in joyces car, driving to the station as jonathan and nancy went inside to gather their stuff. then they all headed to the byers home, all getting out quickly. abigail started to put the colorful bulbs back on the lights as nancy, evelyn and jonathan put down their weapons, looking at each other. 

jonathan created a trap as abigail finished the last bulb. she leaned down, tightening her leg bandage even more. the brunette looked at her gun, she counted the bullets, she had three left in the canister. nancy poured gasoline as evelyn hammered nails into a baseball bat. then they were ready. "remember-"

"straight into will's room."

"and don't step in the trap," evelyn added walking up to the three teens. 

"wait for the yo-yo to move-"

"then, we light it up," abigail finished with a small smile.

jonathan, nancy, and evelyn nodded, "all right, you ready?" jonathan asked the three before nancy and evelyn nodded. they put knifes up to their hands, slicing, which made abigail wince as she looked away. the brunette sat on the couch, taking off her bandage, revealing dark veins and blood running down her leg. abigail touched the wound, the black veins from the wood, making her leg shoot up pain.

the girl got up, walking to the kitchen carefully before there was a pounding on the door. abigail immediately connected her mind to who ever was outside, steve harrington. nancy sighed, standing up as she opened the door with the lock still on. abigail rolled her eyes, popping open a bottle of beer as she sat down on the dining room table- letting the couple sort out their differences. "no, no! steve!" nancy yelled as steve bursted through the door. his eyes landed on the leg of the broken brunette, his eyes going wide as abigail pressed her lips together, an awkward popping sound coming out of them.

"what is, what the-"

"steve you need to leave," abigail warned as his eyes darted around the house. jonathan stood up as steve began to ask questions, making her run a hand through her hair. she stood up walking over to the two teens, "steve leave!" 

nancy put up her gun, "steve! get out!" she yelled as abigail stepped back, her eyes going wide as she held back a 'oh fuck'. "you have five seconds to get out!"

"okay is this a joke? stop, put the gun down!"

the lights flickered making abigail and evelyn look at each other, "fuck," evelyn mumbled, "nancy!" she screamed over jonathan, "the lights!" nancy  turned around quickly, her eyes wide as abigail grabbed steve.

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