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THE FOUR GIRLS WALKED INTO HAWKINS LIBRARY. abigail and samatha stood behind robin and nancy in silence. samantha wanted to tell abigail it was alright, that her breaking up with steve wouldn't fix anything... instead it would ruin her mental state. "but victor committed eyeball murders like, way back in the 50s." robin spoke.

"well, 59." nancy corrected, opening up the door to the library. they all walked in, robin mentioning something about 11 predating the upside down. nancy kept agreeing, probably to shut robin up as she rang the bell impatiently. abigail and samantha watched from behind, both giving each other looks.

"so, hes a grandpa murderer," robin rested her head on her hand, that was placed on the counter. "who can invisible and lift people into the air."

"it doesnt make sense, i know," nancy shook her head, "thats why i said it was a shot in the dark." abigail sighed as nancy rang the bell again, she turned around to hear a clock ticking. a grandfather clock. she stayed put however, knowing that if she went alone she could end up just like chrissy and fred- and she didnt want to die by her bones getting snapped and her eyes being torn out of her head... especially in public. 

"robin," samantha warned the rambling girl, clearly annoying nancy. abigail looked back at the group, her hand going to her rings on her fingers. she twisted them around when blood began to seep from her nose, her head pounding. abigail lifted her index finger, looking at the blood with curiosity. she wasnt using her powers at all, how come her nose was bleeding and her head pounded? 

abigail couldnt concentrate when the woman came out from the back. her world began to spin, her vision began to blur. something was terribly, horribly, off. this wasnt normal whatsoever, and she had no idea what was happening. maybe she was finally dying, maybe this was karma for breaking steves heart when he did nothing wrong. the brunette turned away from the group, calling out, "ill be right back."

the brunette pushed open the bathroom door, locking it quickly behind her. the blood ran over her lip, dripping onto the floor from her chin. she could barely breath, her head could barely even focus enough to walk. the brunette turned on the sink, splashing water on herself when the lights flashed. abigail looked up, a slight scream escaped her lips when she saw evelyns body hanging there- dead.

the brunette turned to open the door, it wouldn't budge. "help me!" she screamed as something creeped up on her. "help!" she kicked at the door, pulled, nothing was working. abigail turned around, her eyes going wide seeing chris standing there. his shirt was the same shirt from the night she killed him, covered in blood. his eyes were dripping blood onto the blue floor when he smiled, blood covering his once perfect white teeth. "i killed you."

chris smiled, "you did. now you'll pay."

abigail screamed when his hands raised, dropping to the floor instantly from the pain. "stop!" she screamed over and over again, until everything stopped. abigail was back to where she just stood, in front of the sink, the water dripping down her sweaty face. "what the hell?"

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