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"DO YOU TWO HAVE BATTERIES? DOUBLE A?" dustin asked suddenly, waking abigail from her focus on the movie. she leaned against his seat, looking at him with wide eyes. maybe she wasnt watching the movie, abigail shook her head- she fell asleep. 

"why would we have batteries?" erica asked seeing that abigail finally awoke. she decided to let her sleep, knowing it was a rough night for abigail. 

"i always carry batteries," dustin replied making abigail look at him. obviously, they wouldn't be carrying batteries. he knew she was about to ask why it was such a problem, "i need eight." erica and abigail shook their heads, "shit. guess we will have to go to plan b."

"which is?" abigail asked as dustin looked at where steve and robin should be sitting. "um, erica where are they?" erica's mouth dropped, looking back at dustin and abigail. the three of them quickly got up, heading towards the exit when abigail's ears rang. she stopped, placing her hands to her ears, crimson liquid fell from them. "shit," she whispered, wiping the blood on her already bloody clothes. 

after minutes of looking for steve and robin, abigail bursted through the doors of the men's bathroom. on the floor was steve and robin, steve was singing an awfully pitched song. "jesus christ." she whispered as dustin and erica walked up to her, "i found them."

"okay, what the hell?" dustin asked, which made steve and robin start laughing again. abigail sighed, they were still fucking drugged? abigail shook her head walking over to the sinks, "jesus how much blood did you get on you?"

the brunette ignored dustin's comment, turning on the faucet. she wiped water on her face, "just a little, its not as bad as last year." she mumbled, looking at her face. abigail almost wanted to cry, she was a monster. a goddamn monster. abigail looked at her eyes, they almost turned into a dark brown, almost a black. blood was still dried on her face, human blood. it wasnt demo-dog blood, it was a human. her clothes had blood all over them, hers and chris. and one thing that finalized the monster, she looked unrecognizable. "we can stay in here till the movie ends." abigail demanded, "well you four, im gonna go see if we have another way out."

dustin stopped her, "yeah no."

abigail looked at the child, she crossed her arms. "whose the one with superpowers?" she snapped, before sighing, "sorry, its been a long night." she looked at steve and robin, "are you guys still drugged?"

"nope," they replied looking at her. steve saw the broken girl he thought he would never see again. she looked helpless, terrified, and yet still managed to protect them. "you look like shit." robin stated making abigail roll her eyes playfully.

"not the first time," she replied before looking at dustin, "watch them, ill be back. i promise."

dustin went to argue but she already opened the door. it shut making dustin look at steve, "she's gonna get herself killed somehow, i see it already." erica mumbled leaning against the wall. steve looked at the girl, standing up, "i dont know what happened to her, but she's been different- way different."

FOREVER WINTER| steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now