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"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?" steve asked the three girls in his car as he drove two of them to school. robin and samantha were in the back, samantha doing robin's eyeliner with a smile on her face. abigail was half asleep in the passenger seat, her headphones around her neck as she scanned through her tapes in steve's glove department. "abby, help me out here." abigail looked over at him, her lips pressed into a thin line.

"yes, we're listening steve- these kids keep hitting on your girlfriend while she's away at college and you cant help her," samantha replied with a monotone voice, abigail and robin both snickered lightly as steve glared at her. "dude, you gotta let her live a little. she's a goddamn mind witch."

"its 7 in the morning, we have this stupid pep rally, and i woke up looking like a corpse! of course we wouldn't be listening!" robin exclaimed from the backseat, turning her head so her friend couldnt finish her eyemakup. samantha slapped her hand slightly, making robin look back at her as samantha blew a bubble in her gum. "jeez sorry."

"youre worried about a stupid pep rally, you expect me to believe that?" steve asked. "this is about vickie, right abby?"

abigail snapped out of her headache daze, "yep, totally."

"absolutely not."

"you gotta stop pretending to be someone else around her!" steve exclaimed, looking back at robin and samantha- who seemed to grow quiet as she finished robin's makeup. "you just gotta... be yourself."

"you're literally quoting me to me. you do realize that?" robin replied, leaning forward to grab samantha's makeup bag next to steve and abigail. robin told samantha and abigail she liked girls around christmas, well it was after she accidentally said something about a girl and the two got curious. abigail and samantha swore under a oath they wouldn't say anything to anyone- yet samantha seemed off after she said that.

"maybe you need to listen to yourself, ever thought of that?" steve mentioned looking over at abigail, who nodded in agreement. "i listened and look at me and abigail, perfectly fine."

"its not the same thing, you ask out a girl and she says 'no'. big deal, nothing happens. maybe your egos a little bruised but i ask out the wrong girl, and bam, im the town pariah," robin explained making abigail nod in agreement again making steve glare at her before looking back at the road. 

"i'd buy that, except vickie is definitely not the wrong girl," steve replied.

"we just dont know that, do we?"

"she returned 'fast times' paused at 53 minutes, 5 seconds," steve argued, "know who pauses fast times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds?" he paused making abigail sigh, knowing what's about to come. "people who like boobies!"

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