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ITS A COMPLICATED STORY(TW: panic attack, blood

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(TW: panic attack, blood.)


PLACING SUNGLASSES ON THE TOP OF HER HEAD, abigail looked around at the junkyard. she leaned on a broken down car, "i said medium well!" lucas yelled making the three 'friends' look over at lucas and a redhead. lucas waved at abigail, dropping his bike and hugging her tightly, "you came!?"

abigail smiled, "of course! someone needs to save all your asses!" she looked at the redhead, "abigail, you can call me abby." 

the redhead smiled, "max."

then steve, max, and abigail got to work. lucas and dustin went behind a car to argue for some reason. abigail looked around the junkyard for any weapons, steve had his bat, she had her gun- what did the kids have? she lifted up a metal sheet, throwing it behind her to find rats. she went wide eyed, jumping backwards as they started to go after the brunette. she connected to their minds 'go the other way'. the rats immediately turned around, going back under some trash. "easy." 

the brunette lifted up the metal sheet, carrying it to the bus- where steve decided it would be there 'base'. she wiped the sweat from her forehead, taking off her flannel before throwing it down on the ground. all the boys stared at her as she put her hair up, she grabbed a metal sheet before looking at them. "what?" abigail snapped before carrying into the bus. max was inside, pounding a hammer against the side of the bus. "so, you are billys younger sister?"

"step sister," max corrected looking over at abigail. "we moved from california."

abigail nodded, kicking the metal sheet on the hole in the ground. "well, i already like you better than william." max smiled, turning away from abigail. the two of them worked inside the bus while steve and the two other boys worked on the outside. the brunette climbed onto the roof of the bus after putting a ladder down. she looked at the sunset, and if they weren't about to die, it would be a perfect view. "ayo harrington! give me those tires and we will be all set!" steve nodded, he started to hand abigail the tires and she began to stack them for a lookout. 

after the bus was finished, the five went inside of it. abigail sat down by the door, her head leaning on the seat behind her. she wanted to sleep, but she couldn't allow herself. steve sat next to her, flickering his lighter on and off. "you can sleep," he reassured the brunette who shook her head. she forgot her flannel outside, making steve frown. "here." he put his jacket around her shoulders making abigail open her mouth, "for once let me do something for you."

"not care my ass," dustin muttered watching the two.

"so you really fought one of these things before?" max asked the group. steve and abigail nodded slowly, steve flicking his lighter on and off. abigail grabbed it, stuffing it into her pocket making steve glare at her. "and youre like totally 100 percent it wasnt a bear?" abigail nodded again.

"shit dont be an idiot, okay? it wasnt a bear." dustin argued making max give him a 'wtf' look. steve and abigail looked up at the young boy, abigail glaring at steve who told dustin to not care, "why are you even here if you dont believe us? just go home." max crossed her arms before looking at abigail, who shook her head mouthing 'boys'.

"geesh, someones cranky. past your bedtime?" max snapped back making abigail's mouth drop. she bit her lip from laughing, she put a hand over her mouth. oh she loved this girl already. 

"thats good, just show her you do-"

abigail put a finger to his lips, "shut the fuck up harrington."

after a few minutes, there was a growl in the distance. abigail and steve both stood up, the brunette handing steve his lighter back. she grabbed her handgun, making sure it was loaded. the three looked out the windows of the bus, abigail squished in-between the two boys. she couldn't see the creature, but she knew. she could feel its mind hungry, it needed human. abigail stepped back the voices around her sounding like they were underwater, she knew what was happening- another panic attack. "ive got eyes! ten o'clock!" lucas screamed causing abigail to snap out of her attack. she needed to stay calm. she had to.

"hes not taking the bait! why is he not taking the bait?" steve asked as abigail froze.

"it needs human meat," she whispered from behind the two. steve looked back at the brunette, who was shaking. her hands could barely stay still, her breath was shaky. 

"abby! steve! what are you two doing?" dustin yelled as abigail opened the bus door. she stepped out into the foggy area, her hand ready to put her gun up at any moment and shoot. she didnt know why she was doing this. steve was behind her, his hand in hers- both of them to afraid to realize it. abigail looked around, she tried to connect to its minds- nothing.

steve whistled as abigail whispered, "come here little thing, human meat is so much better than cow." she looked around, before a ringing went through her ears. abigail ignored it, gritting her teeth. abigail clenched her fists, fuck a gun.  steve swung his bat around, ready to fight whenever. abigail however, threw her gun, towards the metal. it went off, shooting somewhere in the distance. "sorry steve if i just killed us."

then they saw it. 30 feet in front of them was the creature growling. abigail could hear more, there was way more. "abs," steve whispered as she went wide eyed. the kids started to scream for the two of them. "oh fuck!" he grabbed abigail, who stood there, then she began to run. she tripped on the ground, turning around to see one coming right after her.

abigail shut her eyes, screaming as loud as she could. vibrations escaped her mouth, sending them all back into the woods. she stood up, lifting her hands in the air as she yelled out in pain. one demo dog fought the vibrations, going straight for the brunette. she connected to its mind, she shut her eyes, a sigh escaping her mouth before the creature exploded all over her. she opened her eyes, "oh cool." 

the others came back for more however, steve stood there in shock of what he just saw. so did the kids. abigail turned around, grabbing steve by the hand just in time before the other demo dogs went after them. steve shut the door after throwing abigail in the bus, then throwing himself into it, "how! did you do that!" he yelled as abigail stood up. she ran towards the back of the bus as dustin cried for help for mike and will. steve fought off the creature, hitting his baseball bat on the creature.

abigail looked up, one was on the roof. "get behind me!" abigail screamed to max, shoving the girl behind her. abigail looked up to see a mouth of a creature, she screamed in fear, raising her hand. all of a sudden that one exploded, the blood falling in abigail's mouth. "fuck me!" she screamed falling back as she tried wiping off the blood. there was two more, two more- wait. they were gone. they left. 

abigail collapsed to the ground, blood dripping from her nose and ears. she didnt realize when she tripped her leg was tore open either. everything went blurry as abigail faded in and out of consciousness. steve immediately went to her side, "what the fuck abby? how the hell?" he couldn't tell whose blood was whose, but he knew she was hurting. dustin and lucas looked at each other as abigail cried in pain, her head throbbing. 

"its a complicated story," abigail whispered, a small smile on her face. even when she was dying, she managed to crack a smile. "and very long."

then she was out.

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