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"THE MIND FLAYER, it build this monster in hawkins, to stop el and eve, to kill her. pave its way into our world." mike explained making abigail look up. he looked at her making her heart drop, it was going after the numbers. "that means its going to come after you too, abby." abigail, knowing tonight just wasnt her night, nodded leaning back against the wall behind her. she was sitting by hopper and eleven, who looked at her. 

her face went pale, her heart skipped a few beats. abigail couldnt even concentrate on the conversation when she realized, billy. the vision she had just days earlier, it was all connected. abigail just stared at her hands when there was a crash behind her, no one else heard it. abigail turned around, standing up, no one else moved around her- it was like they were frozen in time. abigail heard a laughter from behind her, making the brunette turn around quickly.  "abby, abby, abby." billy's mocking voice rang through the mall. "you cant save them."

abigail looked at him, she was pissed. her hands clenched into fists, her face turned into a glare. "why cant you leave me alone?!" she screamed, throwing her hands down to her side. billy smiled, stepping towards her slowly. abigail shook her head, "leave me alone!" she screamed once again, sending billy back into a pillar. 

abigail's eyes snapped open to steve shaking her, she looked around with her eyes wide. "hey, hey, im right here." he whispered seeing her stressed. abigail panted in fear as eleven looked at her, they both knew what just happened. "what happened?"

abigail looked at him, then at evelyn and eleven. "so, i guess we're all dying tonight." she mumbled, leaning against the seat behind her as blood ran down from her nose. she winced in pain, her head pounding. 

"yo-hoo!" murray yelled making everyone look at him. abigail blinked, looking away from steve who was looking at her with worry. the brunette stood up, ignoring steve trying to get her to talk to him. murray slammed the papers down on the table, "okay, this is what alexei called 'the hub' now the hub takes us to the vault room."

"okay where's the gate?" hopper asked, standing next to abigail- who had her arms crossed. he placed a hand on her shoulder, telling her its going to be okay. abigail tried to believe him, she really did- but something told her someone wouldn't be making it out alive tonight. 

"right here, i dont know the scale on this, but i think its fairly close to the vault room," murray explained making abigail look at erica and dustin. close as in like a million feet. "maybe 50 feet or so."

"more like 500," erica butt in, stepping forward. "what? youre just gonna waltz in there like its commie disneyland or something?" hopper and abigail shared the same look, but abigail had a smirk on her face. 

"im sorry, who are you?" murray asked.

"erica sinclair, who are you?" she snapped back.


"listen mr, bunman, im not trying to tell you how to do things, but ive been down in that shithole for 24 hours. and with all due to respect if you do what this man tells you, you're all gonna die." erica stated. abigail looked at steve with a proud look on her face, steve shook his head hiding a small smile. 

"she has a point," abigail mumbled, crossing her arms. 

"i'm sorry, why is this four year old speaking to me?" murray asked, getting frustrated with the child.

"um, im ten you bald bastard!"

"erica!" lucas yelled.

"just the facts!"

dustin stepped in, "she's right. you're all gonna die, but you dont have to. excuse me. sorry may i?" he sat down after murray gave him a snappy reply, "you see this room right here? this is a storage facility." he circled the room, "there's a hatch in here that feeds into their underground ventilation system, that will lead you to the base of weapon. its a bit of a maze down there, but between me and erica, we can show you the way."

"you can show us the way?" hopper asked, his hands on his hips. 

"don't worry, you can do all the fighting and dangerous hero shit, and we'll just be your..." he looked at erica who nodded, "navigators."

hopper nodded, "no." abigail snorted, covering her mouth with her hand as she turned away. hopper shook his head again, "nope." the older man had other plans, walking away from the group after dustin and erica argued with him. abigail followed steve and robin, the three hopped onto a counter from a food store. abigail sat next to steve, robin was tossed something by steve. she leaned on his shoulder, steve placing his hand on hers. 

"you two are so coupley, it makes me physically ill," robin retorted, sitting down next to abigail. samantha and evelyn walked over, laughing at something nancy said to them before they walked over. "ah, the two lovers are finally here."

samantha scoffed, "shut the fuck up buckley."

robin smiled back at her, "just jokes." 

abigail looked at evelyn and steve, who were thinking the same thing. samantha hopped next to robin, evelyn sat on the floor by abigail. from far away, it looked like steve was sick of being the only boy in the friend group- but really, he loved it. they were like family, every single one of them.  "steve, abby, and robin!" dustin called out, ruining their laughter from something evelyn said. "lets go!"

abigail froze, she couldnt leave the kids behind. steve and robin sighed, jumping off leaving the other three. they began to walk before they turned around realizing abby wasnt behind them, "what are you doing?" steve asked as abigail jumped off the counter. "youre coming with us."

abigail shook her head, "im staying, the kids need protection that isn't nancy and jonathan. evelyn can barely use her powers and samantha is injured. i need to stay." she explained making steve open his mouth to argue, "you keep them safe, i keep the kids safe. got it?" abigail placed her hands on his cheeks, placing a kiss to his lips. "i love you."

steve sighed, "i love you too."

then they were off. murray walked over to nancy and jonathan, showing them his locks to his place. abigail looked out at the mall, tapping her foot nervously. samantha stood next to her, her arm dangled around abigail's shoulders. "i was surprised he didnt argue." she stated, talking about steve. "he always argues with me."

abigail gave her a half smile, "he knows ill win." samantha giggled as they turned towards each other, "you know i love you sammy."

samantha smiled, "i love you too abigail summers."

abigail headed over to hopper and eleven, the two of them looking at her. hopper stood up, letting abigail hug him quickly. "please be safe, hop." she whispered, worried for the man. hopper was like a second father to her, for three years he looked out for her more than anyone else in her life. 

hopper smiled at her, "i dont need protection, abby. you, be safe." eleven stood up, the three of them hugging each other like it would be the last time. abigail tried not to show the tears in her eyes, "protect each other okay?" the two sisters nodded, realizing they needed to leave. wrapping her arm around her sister, abigail and mike began to walk away from hopper. "mike." hopper spoke making mike turn around, "be careful."

then the gang was off.

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