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death, gore)


SNAPPING ABIGAIL OUT OF HER THOUGHTS, dustin and a girls voice came on the walkie talkie.  abigail was leaning on steve's shoulder, the pain becoming to overwhelming. her vision blurred, her head pounded, and the blood seeped through the bandage. steve tried to calm her, he seriously did, but every single time she looked out the back window- it all flew out of it. his hand was on hers, rubbing small circles on her thumb. "dusty bun you copy?" the girls voice asked.

"i copy, suzie-poo." dustin replied making abigail almost let out a laugh. no fucking way. steve must've been thinking the same thing, the two of them looking at each other with 'wtf' looks on their faces. samantha and evelyn looked at abigail, their mouths parted. "it sounds much better, thanks."


"okay, so, listen," his voice added, "do you know planck's constant?"

"do you know the earth orbits the sun?" suzie replied making abigail nod. obviously, everyone knew that. the brunette shifted her position, letting samantha have some room for her leg. she was sitting next to robin, abigail noticed how close their hands were. it was like one more move and they would be touching. she smiled slightly, listening back into the conversation. "okay, let me just be clear on this, i haven't heard from you in a week, and now you want a mathematical equation, you should know so you can... save the world?"

"suzie-poo, i promise, i will make it up to you as soon as possible," dustin replied. abigail couldnt get the 'suzie-poo' and 'dusty-bun' out of her mind. what kind of petnames were that? occasionally abigail would say 'babe' to steve, and he usually said that a lot to her- but poo and bun?!

"you can make it up to me now," suzie replied making everyone in the car look at eachother. "i want to hear it."

"not right now!"

"yes now! dustybun!" suzie argued.

"suzie-poo this is urgent!" 

"yes, yes. you're saving the world, i heard you the first time. but ged is also saving earthsea and he's about to confront the shadow, so this is suzie signing off," suzie replied. abigail reached up to pinch her nose, god, she hated teenage girls. 

"wait! wait! wait! okay," dustin yelled, "okay, okay." there was silence before, "turn around, look it what you see." abigail almost snorted in amusement, they were all about to die and he was singing! "in her face, the mirror of her dreams."

"make believe im everywhere! giving in the light! and written on the pages is, the answer to our never-ending story!" suzie and dustin harmonized, also vocalizing. steve, robin, and abigail all shared looks, samantha snorting in embarrassment. the two friends giggled at how dumb this was, "reach the stars, fly a fantasy! dream a dream, and what you see will be! rhymes that keep their secrets will-" steve looked at the three in front of them, shrugging as he mouthed 'i dont know', "unfold behind the clouds. and there upon a rainbow is, the answer to a never-ending story!" once again, vocalizing, "story"

FOREVER WINTER| steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now