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CONFESSIONS(TW| mentions of homophobia, suicide, abuse)

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(TW| mentions of homophobia, suicide, abuse)


BACK TO WHERE THEY STARTED JUST HOURS EARLIER, the babysitters found themselves under the skull rock. they heard the bats flying above them, searching for the group ready to rip them apart slowly and surely. abigail and steve were in the back, abigail's eyes slowly began to shut from blood loss. she knew it wasnt from her arm, it couldnt have been? this much blood loos from a small bite? she looked at samantha and robin, the two of them gripping hands like the world was about to end. 

abigail wrapped her arms around her shirtless body, wishing she wasnt stupid to take off her sweater. she fell back on her butt, the pain becoming to unbearable. she leaned her head against the rock as robin peaked out, "okay, that was close." she told the group, looking back at abigail who shut her eyes. "abby?"

abigail ignored her, her thoughts and other peoples thoughts running through her mind. she didnt even notice when blood began running down her lip from her nose, dripping onto her once perfect skin that turned dirty and full of cuts. "yeah, to close." she mumbled under her breath before opening her eyes and standing up to see steve leaning against the rock in pain and weakness. "steve." 

abigail walked over to him, "i'm fine, i'm fine abs." he tried to reassure, but his reassurance was cut short when abigail shook her head. "abs"

"you're loosing blood steve, you're obviously not fine," abigail snapped, turning him so he would look at her. "sit down." she whispered, not wanting to meet his stare as he slowly slid down the wall, obeying the girl. steve grunted in pain once he sat, his hand wrapping around abigails. she seemed to forget about her broken arm, she didnt really care for it right now when they were stuck in absolute hell. steve peeled his other hand off his wound as abigail leaned down, hearing nancy rip off some of her pants for a bandage. 

"okay, so im pretty sure wooziness isn't a symptom of rabies," robin spoke from next to abigail as nancy handed her the pant. "but if you start having hallucinations or muscle spams or you start feeling aggressive like you wanna punch me, let me know."



"i really wanna punch you," steve panted making abigail shake her head, a small smile forming on her lips. from far away, samantha watched as abigail looked at steve worriedly making the blonde smile to herself. whispers made samantha turn around, looking into the woods. somehow, it seemed familiar (not because she's seen the place in the real world), but somehow the upside down version seemed familiar. the blonde stepped forward, her hand reaching for a tree when eddie nudged her shoulder.

"those two have more sexual tension than anyone ive ever met," eddie mumbled to himself. samantha turned back around, her eyes on abigail as she wrapped the bandage around steve, who let his head fall back in pain. "its obvious they want to kiss each other and get back together."

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