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ANN ARBOR WAS FULL OF SUCK UPS AND KNOW IT ALLS. rich kids were at every corner, drinking, smoking, and harassing girls that walked by trying to get to class. then again, the university of michigan was for the rich and smart kids- why wouldn't there be snobby brats? the university filled the whole town, and traffic was high- so what did the students do? walk to class everyday.

abigail summers woke up in her bedroom hearing rock music fill the house. it shook the windows, rattled things on her desk, making a book fall off on the wooden floor. the brunette rolled over to see the time, 3 hours before she even had to be awake. she groaned,  rolling over throwing a pillow over her head. "mitchell! what the hell!" hannah, mitchell's younger sister by five minutes, "shut the fuck up!" hannah stormed past abigail's room, stomping as loud as she even could as abigail heard her go down the stairs.

abigail lived in a small house that could fit up to 15 people- thankfully only 6 lived in it after crystal threw a huge fit to the landlords. abigail, since she was new got the smallest room in the back of the house- with a view of another building. there was no sunrise in her room, not a smallest bit of light besides the lamp next to her bed. the noises of traffic was present also, considering people were stupid enough not to drive right.

next was lily, who opened her bedroom door with a loud 'woosh'. she walked past abigail's room, moaning and groaning from partying all night at the frat house down the street. she went down the stairs yelling, "its 5 in the morning!" her boyfriend tanner walked past abigail's room following lily as they went down the wooden creaky steps. "mitchell! seriously man!"

abigail, sighing as she realized she wasnt going back to sleep anytime soon, rolled out of bed. she grabbed her bracelets and necklaces, slipping them on. the brunette opened her curtain, seeing a nice brick wall, but it let some street light, light in. she walked over to her closet, grabbing one of steve's crewnecks he gave her for a christmas present. she slipped it over her t-shirt when crystal opened her bedroom door, "we are going out to eat, want to come?" she asked nicely.

abigail nodded, following crystal downstairs seeing mitchell laying on the couch, radio turned all the way up. next to him was his sister, trying to get his attention by waving at him. hannah looked at crystal and abigail, throwing her arms up when lily walked over to the radio, switching it off. mitchell shot up, "what the hell lily! is it because im black?"

lily scoffed, "no, because its five in the morning and we all have exams!" 

mitchell glared at her, sticking up the middle finger when tanner walked in from the kitchen holding a donut, "dude, thats mine!" tanner looked at the donut, then at mitchell before spitting it back into his hands. 

"here asshat."

mitchell glared at him, slapping the donut out of his hands making tanner gasp playfully. abigail laughed, crossing her arms as she leaned on the pillar behind her. the phone rang causing hannah to sigh as she picked up the phone on the wall, "345 residence," she nodded, humming 'mhm', "yeah, im very sorry for the disturbance georgia, i promise it won't happen again... mhm...mhm.. ok, bye!" hannah put the phone back on the wall glaring at her twin brother, "fucking idiot."

laying on the couch, abigail rubbed her temples. she couldnt wait for spring break, she would be able to head back to hawkins (the hellhole), but she would see her family and steve. next to her was mitchell, who put a arm around her, "what's your plans for spring break? getting laid for once?"

abigail scoffed, "no, i dont plan on getting laid. i have a boyfriend and i dont plan on breaking up with him anytime soon." tanner boo'd, "what the hell? is it so wrong of me not to cheat on him?!"

tanner shook his head, "you are literally so depressing, you need to have some fun in your life-"

abigail rolled her eyes, "well considering ive had a pretty fucked up life, i dont plan on having fun." the boys rolled their eyes, "i cant wait to leave tomorrow." lily, who looked at abigail with a soft smile before heading into the kitchen. abigail could feel the boys eyes on her making her glare at them, "when's the last time you got laid mitch. cause last time i checked you couldnt even get a girl to look your way thats not your sister."

mitchell placed a hand to his heart, "i get laid!"

hannah scoffed, "yeah, in your dreams."

mitchell looked at sister with a glare. he looked back at abigail, "what im saying is, i dont think your boyfriend is giving you the sexual needs you need!" abigail rolled her eyes, grabbing the drink she left out last night and taking a drink of it. sometimes, she wanted to punch the boys- who had absolutely no idea what she went through. steve didnt want to have sex unless she did, ever since chris- obviously abigail didnt want to have sex and steve respected that. he said something along the lines of 'sex doesn't define a relationship' "what's his name anyway? boring sized man?"

abigail slapped him on the arm, "steve, and  hes bigger than you, considering thats not very much. thank you." tanner spat out his drink all over lily, who yelled at him by slapping him on the face. 

"you idiot!"

crystal watched from afar, "why do you guys even care about abby's sex life, obviously she doesnt want to talk about it, and you guys dont need to know. obviously she isn't having sex because she lives in indiana, its not like she can teleport." abigail pointed at crystal, making a fist with her hand so crystal could bump it. crystal smiled at her, bumping it lightly.

"cause we care for her cryst!"

abigail shook her head, getting up from the couch. she bit her lip nervously as she slid the sleeves down her hands, walking past hannah who was looking at a magazine, "dude, the guy that plays the karate kid is so hot." she stated out loud as abigail opened the front door. she walked outside into the cool michigan weather, shutting it behind her. 

just a few more hours.


"WE WILL MISS YOU ABBY POO!" lily exclaimed as tanner put the last of abigail's luggage in her car. abigail nodded, saying her goodbyes before getting in her car. crystal walked up to her drivers window, handing her a sweatshirt.

"you forgot it downstairs."

abigail nodded, "thanks."

then she was off, straight back to her hometown called 'hell'. she thought of how everyone was doing, max especially. at christmas max didnt talk to anyone besides abby, but it was small talk about school. abigail felt bad for the girl, after she broke up with lucas, abigail believed max was alone. she had no one. eleven was in california, and abigail was in michigan all the time. the only friend max had was samantha, who tried her best to help her out in the hallways at the school. 

after hours of driving, abigail passed the 'welcome to (hell) hawkins' sign. she sighed, tapping her hand nervously on the wheel. the sun was just setting, creating a pretty orange lighting her way to her home. she pulled in to her driveway, bryan was outside shooting basketball on the kiddie hoop- julie watching from the garden. she was turned away, jumping when bryan yelled, "sissy's home!"

abigail opened the car door, stepping out to see julie and bryan running at her with their arms open ready for a hug. considering spring break for hawkins kids was still in three days, abigail had time for steve for herself. "abby!" julie sighed in relief, hugging her daughter with a smile. bryan tugged at abigail's leg when john harrington stepped out of his home with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the family next door. "how was the ride? do you need something to eat-"

abigail laughed, "no, im good. the ride was long, im just happy to be home."

then the front door of the harrington household opened, revealing steve harrington with the brightest smile on his face. abigail smiled back at him, running towards him. he lifted her up in the air, abigail wrapping her legs around his waist as they hugged tightly. steve placed his hands under her thighs to support her around him, "god, i fucking missed you." steve breathed out before kissing her on the lips.

abigail kissed back before pulling away, "i missed you too."

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