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SITTING IN THE DRIVERS SEAT WAS SOMEONE WHO FAILED HER DRIVERS TEST, over three times. next to her in the passenger seat was mike, (who told her he'll guide her), and next to him sitting with him was evelyn. in the back was lucas, max, dustin, samantha, and passed out steve. how did all of them fit in the back? abigail had no idea. "she can't drive!" samantha groaned from the back.

abigail gave her friend a smile as she turned on the camaro. she didnt even care if the group was buckled, she pressed her foot to the gas. max was supposed to drive, but anything could happen and at least abigail was old enough to drive. "slow down!" everyone yelled as abigail got on the main road. abigail smiled, pressing on the gas, "okay! up here turn left!" mike yelled over the screaming and cursing.

"who knew driving was this fun!" abigail yelled making samantha and evelyn look at each other with wide eyes. the driving brunette could feel steve's mind awake from the knockout, he tried to figure out where abigail was as soon as he awoke. the last thing he remembered was her being shoved into the wall, was she okay? was she hurt?

steve groaned reaching up to his face, "dont touch it." dustin told the brunette boy, "hey buddy," he shushed, "its okay, you put up a good fight. he kicked your ass, but you put up a fight."

abigail turned like mike said, "okay, keep straight for half a mile, then take a left on mount-"

abigail nodded, "sinai, i know."

mike scoffed, "why am i giving you directions then!"

abigail smiled, "it was funny."

"i hate you."

"you love me."

"what's going on?" steve asked making abigail look back at him. "why is she driving?!" he quickly yelled trying to sit up. abigail shook her head, looking at the road again. "oh my god!"

"steve relax, shes driven before." dustin told making samantha shake her head.

"she almost hit her mom!"

"she failed her drivers test!"

"she didn't know her rights and her lefts!"

abigail rolled her eyes ignoring the comments, "that all still counts!" she exclaimed, "at least my mom is still alive and well! no broken bones! and the rights and lefts, that was one time dustin! one time!"

steve was starting to freak out as abigail pressed down on the gas even more. she blocked out steve screaming in the back, focusing on the road in front of her. "i told you he would freak out!" mike yelled making abigail grit her teeth in anger. she never wanted kids anymore.

abigail looked back, "shut the fuck up!" she screamed before realizing she had to turn. she quickly turned making everyone scream in fear, but instead she giggled in excitement. abigail hit a mailbox, making evelyn shake her head, putting her head in her hands. someone screamed like a little girl, and it definitely wasnt a girl that screamed.

abigail drove down farther, her smirk was as wide as her face. she never felt so excited! she was driving without being screamed at by her trainer or her mother! she was breaking the laws! abigail stopped the car, "i told you, i didnt kill anyone." abigail told the group before getting out of the car.

samantha looked at her, "i think i lost five years off my life."

evelyn nodded, "you said you knew the basics of driving!"

abigail threw her hands to the side, "i do!"

"what was that?!"

abigail rolled her eyes, crossing her arms, "listen, we got here in ten minutes tops when it usually would take twenty. you're welcome." then she walked to the trunk, slamming the door. steve fell out of the car, trying to stop the group that was preparing for the tunnels. abigail grabbed her handgun, loading it. she slipped on goggles, and a bandana around her face so she wouldn't inhale the dust.

"guys-" steve groaned, standing up as he leaned against the car. "hey, where do you think youre going!" he yelled to mike and evelyn, the two of them holding gasoline cans. "what are you deaf?" abigail stepped in front of steve, pressing her hand to his face steve immediately melted under her touch. 

"steve, hey." she whispered, calming him down. they locked eyes, "we have to do this. if you don't take the kids, i will. either way, we are helping save will." steve looked at her fragile, bloody, face. he didn't know either to yell or kiss her. he fought to not kiss her, instead of saving her. but, his lips pressed to her soft ones after pulling down her bandana. abigail could feel eyes on her but she didn't mind. "i promise you, everything will be okay." she whispered, leaning her forehead on his- well he leaned his on hers cause of the height. 

steve sighed, "okay."

abigail smiled as samantha handed her steve's bag, she gave it to the boy with soft eyes. steve knew that she put something on him, she had too! he never so controlled by a woman, but here he was basically doing everything she wanted him too. steve didn't know why, he just knew that if abigail got hurt or even killed when he wasnt with her, a part of him would die with the brunette. 

ever since the first day he saw her. she stepped out of her car, her hair was buzzed but he could barely see it since of the hood and beanie. she held a teddy bear in her hands, her mother opened the doors to their house. the brunette turned to look at steve, who watched from his driveway holding his basketball. he didn't know her, he never saw her before, but he knew that she was already badass. a scar ran from her eyebrow down her face, yet her eyes told a different story.

they felt safe, like she was a protector of some sort. she waved a tiny bit seeing the 16 year old look at her. abigail stepped into her house, only to not be seen for another year. steve waited for the girl to step out of her house, speak to him, say something about herself. her parents would come over with her younger brother, but they never said anything about her. steve finally got the courage one day while everyone was away, besides abigail.

he rang the doorbell, a few seconds later a short haired brunette opened the door. she went wide eyed, going to shut the door, steve put his foot in, "hey, im steve. your neighbor." he stated as abigail stopped the door. she slightly smiled, her head tilted to the side as she opened the door again. 

"abigail," she stated confidently, running her hand through her hair. "is something wrong? do i need to call the police-"

steve chuckled, "no, no. i just wanted to meet you."

abigail smiled, "oh, well my parents are away for a few hours... want to watch the movie im watching?" steve nodded making abigail let him in. steve walked through the home of the summers, it was nothing like he expected it. he thought... he didnt know what to think. the summers were the most mysterious family in hawkins, he expected things to be... he had no idea. "youre the guy i saw last year when i moved back."

steve nodded, his eyes on the brunette in front of him. something about her steve immediately liked, maybe her kindness, maybe her looks, or maybe that she was willing to bring him into her home even if she wasnt allowed to. steve didn't notice the brunette turning around, waiting for him to say something. he just looked at her, god, she was beautiful. steve coughed, "yeah, my dad usually work on your yard."

abigail nodded, plopping herself on the fluffy couch, "ah, him. i usually see him from my bedroom, not to be creepy." steve chuckled standing there awkwardly as abigail looked at the tv, "you know, you can sit right? im not that mean." abigail smirked as she looked over at the nervous boy as he sat down next to her, "now, you wanna watch halloween or..."

steve smiled, "halloween."

abigail nodded, smiling and steve almost blushed. he was pretty sure he did but abigail looked away. she wiped her nose when steve looked away, a small smile on her face, "halloween it is."

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