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THE SOUNDS OF LEAVES, BIRDS CHIRPING, AND BOYS GOSSIPING FILLED ABIGAIL'S EARS. she was standing in front of the two boys, her headphones around her neck as she turned around to look at them. they both looked at her, "so let me get this straight." abigail looked at dustin, "you kept a demogorgan in your house, it ate your cat, and now you lost it?" dustin nodded, "fucking pathetic."

the brunette rubbed her eyes as steve and dustin talked about billy hargroves younger sister, max. dustin apparently had a crush on the girl, he wanted to impress her or whatever. abigail kicked a rock in front of her, hoping it would just crush her... abigail shook her head, she was going insane. "not everyone can have your perfect hair, all right?" dustin scoffed making abigail giggle, the two looked at her making abigail look at the trees above her. 

"its not about the hair man," steve replied, throwing a piece of cow meat down. he looked up at abigail, focusing on the way her hair swung with every step. he immediately shook his head, he was falling for the wrong person... again. "the key with girls... is just acting like you dont care." abigail raised an eyebrow at the comment, but she remained silent... steve harrington was a dumbass.

"even if you do?"

"exactly, it drives them nuts." steve replied. abigail once again shook her head, it was so tempting to just turn around and laugh at the brunette. she stayed silent, listening to where this conversation would go. the brunette looked around for anyone spying on them, anyone secretly watching abigail just waiting for the moment to kill her. she wondered where evelyn was, if she was even alive. she was hoping the sleepover at nancy's went somewhere else in indiana, anywhere else than hawkins. "then you just wait until you uh...until you feel it."

"feel what?"

"its like before its gonna storm you know?" steve replied, wishing abigail would help him with this conversation. she stayed silent, a smirk on her face as she stepped over a twig. she wanted to just laugh at how awkward the conversation went, steve was terrible with kids. "you cant see it, but you can feel it.. like this uh..." he clicked his tongue, "electricity, you know?"

"oh like the electromagnetic field when the clouds in the atmosphere-" 

abigail chuckled, she looked back at the two, "sexual electricity." 


the brunette giggled, turning back around as she looked ahead. they were so close to the junkyard, yet so far. the air seemed to get colder the more they walked, like abigail was about to freeze her arms off. she never got cold, only when she knew something was going to happen. yet, abigail had no idea where this would lead. she didn't know why dustin would keep a creature from the upside down in his house, he should've killed it when he had the chance. hell, abigail should've killed them all when she had the chance, not make friends with them! "you feel that," steve pointed at dustin, "then you make your move."

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