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"Finally I am not late. "Tae thought when he was standing in front of the reception table.

" Hello. I am kim taehyung. It is my first day. I am appointed as secretary of Mr. Jeon." Tae said to the lady standing at the reception.

"Ohhh hello I am Anna. And yes jimin sir told me about you you can go to 15th floor there jimin sir will meet you and he will take you to Mr. Jeon's office." The lady told him and smiled.

"Thank you." Tae said bowing and left the elevator.

"Hello I am jimin, Park jimin. " Jimin said when Tae came out of the elevator on the 15th floor.

"Hello I am kim taehyung." Tae said while bowing.

"I know bro, Come I will take you to Mr. Jeon's cabin." Jimin said while walking ahead.

"Here this is Mr. Jeon's cabin wait here I will go inside first." Jimin said and entered inside.

"Wow!! This place is bigger and more decent than I thought." Tae thought.

Meanwhile inside the cabin...

"Jungkook your secretary is outside." Jimin said when he entered inside.

"Ok send him in and please tell him not to follow you." Jungkook said.

"What do you mean by not following me?" Jimin  said while raising his one eyebrow.

"I am telling him to come inside after knocking." Jungkook said and again diverted his gaze to his laptop.

"Brat." Jimin said while scoffing and left the cabin.

"Tae you can go inside." Jimin said and Tae flinched at the sudden voice because he was in deep thoughts when jimin spoke.

"Ohhh sorry i didn't mean to scare you, are you ok?" Jimin said.

"Yeah I am fine, it's just I was thinking so I didn't know you came back." Tae said.

"Ohhh, ummm is it ok if I call you Tae because taehyung is very long? " Jimin said with nervousness.

"Of course you can call me whatever you want Mr. Park. " Tae said with a smile.

"Jimin Or anything whatever you like but don't call me Mr. Park." Jimin said

"Ok, Mr-- Jimin." Tae said and both smiled at each other jimin told tae to go inside and he went to do other works.

Jungkook's pov

I again started to work when jimin went out. After some minutes I heard a knock and without looking at the door I said 'come in' in my usual cold voice.

Then I felt that the door got pushed open and got closed. I can feel that the person is standing there but I was still looking at the laptop. But when I heard a deep voice I looked at the person.

Ok, He is more beautiful and handsome in reality than in the photo. I came out of my thoughts when he again spoke.

"Good morning sir,  I am kim taehyung. I came here as your new secretary." He said and bowed to me.

"Hmmm sit. " I said and motioned him to sit opposite of me.

"So Mr kim I hope you know that working as my secretary is not easy, I hope you understand what I am saying." I said with a serious and cold voice.

"Yes sir, I will work hard and will try that you are not disappointed with me." Tae said with a serious voice.

"Hmmmm."I said and called jimin in my office

"Jimin will tell you you desk and what you have to do, okay? "I said. Tae nodded and went away with jimin. He seems to be hard working

End of jungkook's pov.


Jimin took Tae to his office which was opposite of jungkook's cabin he told him about everything and made him understand everything and then both bid their good bye and went  to their own works.

After half an hour.

Tae's phone rang and he answered it.

"Hello, yes sir." Tae said and put the phone on table and went to bring coffee for jungkook which he asked on call.

After taking coffee and some files which needed jk's sign he went towards his cabin.

He knocked and went inside after hearing'come in'.

"Sir your coffee and these files. This needed your signature." Tae said and gave files to him. Jk signed and gave the files back.

"You have a meeting in 15 minutes." Tae said.

"Ok, you are coming with me." Jk said and Tae went to prepare for the meeting.

In the meeting room, jk introduced Tae to everyone and they started the meeting all were very focused on the presentation which was given by an employee. After meeting it was lunch time so all went to the cafeteria and Tae went to jk's office as he asked him to come.

"So did you make notes of the presentation?" Jk asked.

"Yes, here every thing is written here and if you want more I can give you other information as the presentation's one copy is with me." Tae said passing him the notes.

"Hmmm I will call you after lunch." Jk said Tae bowed and left.

"Impressive, he really made good notes and he was focused on the presentation too, It looks like I don't have to hire another secretary this month." Jk thought

Other side in the cafeteria.

"Tae here. " Jimin said waving his hand.

Tae smiled and went towards their table.

"Hii everyone." Tae said

There were three people sitting there one was jimin, the second was hobi and there was one more person called jack.

"Hiii,taehyung right." Jack asked and Tae nodded.

"Hello I am jack. " Jack said and did a hand shake with tae.

"Hello i am your hope, you are my hope, I am jhope but you can call me hobi hyung also." Jhope said with his sunshine smile.

"Hello hobi hyung, nice introduction" Tae said while giggling.

They all talked about each other and ate their lunch. And all went to their respective works like this whole day went and now every one was going back to their homes.


To be continue

Tell me how was this chapter, and sorry for the mistake

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